Chapter 3: The Price of Loyalty

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There is a new enemy on the horizon that threatens the entire Universe. A technological entity who likes to be codenamed 'ICARUS' arrives through a portal on earth with the aim to destroy it. Using Orbital Solar technology it launches a solar beam laser onto earth destroying & torching anything in its path. The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, The Defenders, The Webbed Warriors, Guardians of the Galaxy and the other superheroes & heroes tried to stop it but failed miserably.

Peter Parker is with Felix, playing with him with the small amount of toddler toys that he could afford to buy. When Felix was tired and decided to doze off into a nap Peter turned on the TV and came across a channel and now was watching the live footage feed of ICARUS destroying military bases across the world on TV. He still has the urge of responsibility even when lots of others would drop it if they went through the unfortunate and traumatising events that Peter Parker/Spiderman. He knows that whilst everyone hated him he couldn't let earth be destroyed by an intergalactic enemy. Especially when it threatens everyone's lives including his son who was far too young to die as he had so much to live for. Peter also did this for his once close friends, family and fellow heroes & superheroes even though they hated him with a deep passion.

So Peter got changed in his Spiderman suit not before saying to a currently sleeping Felix Parker "I love you so much and I will be back for you in no time. I just need to take care of something" he gave Felix a smooch on the forehead and put on his gear then swung towards where the other so called 'heroes' & 'superheroes' were, where they were trying to stop ICARUS, but when he showed up they all booed, jeered and hated on him and told him to get lost as no one likes him. Spiderman didn't care and whilst everyone hated him he wasn't going to let them die which is very moral, pure, brave and humble of him.

He concentrated in trying to leap very high. With his super jumping/leaping power combined with the tech features he himself created to amplify his super jumping/leaping ability in his Spiderman suit, he was successful although he was leaping into outer space where ICARUS was which had no Oxygen but Spiderman tried to hold onto his breath, then he swung his web onto ICARUS's side in outer space and went inside ICARUS's main system. The Intergalactic technological entity was destroying military bases and the major cities. He successfully destroys inner working parts of ICARUS by webbing it, ripping it apart and breaking it. ICARUS shuts down but then it explodes as a last resort feature and the explosion catches onto to Spider-Man. As he Falls down from outer space he deploys a web parachute with his webs but even then it wasn't enough to save him as it eventually breaks and so Spiderman braces for the inevitable as he screams whilst falling down from space to earth rapidly.

He lands with full force violently onto the earths ground. He saved everyone but no one cared in the world and they all went back to what they were doing before. The violent impact onto the ground was extremely deadly for Peter/Spiderman and he was in so much pain and tried to get up but it looks like finally the physical pain really did so much damage to him. Scars, burns, broken bones, bruises, blood loss and other injuries took the toll on him.

But the worst part was the emotional and mental toll on him that was even more worse. Everyone and everything that Peter Parker/Spiderman protected and defended, his close ones, friends, family (blood & non-blood), the civilians, the police, the so called 'heroes' & 'superheroes' and even some villains whom he felt didn't deserve to die all abandoned, hated, left him and accused him of evil and hateful actions that Dr Octopus committed when he took control of his body and mind. Spiderman knew this was it and his last words were "Felix...., Felix!" trying to say his sons name but then he passed out permanently. Spiderman/Peter Parker were no more as he is dead. The price of being loyal to the world backfired on him and opened new wounds that could never be healed again.

The news of Spider-Man's demise spread like wildfire among the so-called 'heroes' and 'superheroes.' Instead of mourning a fallen comrade, they reveled in the celebration of his death. Tony Stark's arrogant declaration echoed through the room, followed by Hawkeye's dismissive remark and Black Widow's indifference

Iron Man raised a glass, proclaiming, "Thank God that pest has gone!"

Hawkeye agreed "Finally we can actually have peace around here"

"We didn't need him anyways" Black Widow smugly stated.

The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Webbed Warriors, The Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy, civilians, police, and even villains joined in a massive party, toasting to a world rid of the wall-crawling nuisance. They got absolutely wasted but they didn't care, just like they obviously didn't care that their once friend was now dead after saving everyone from the technological entity ICARUS. They didn't even care for the civilians as they all believed they would be ok.

The sentiment was shared as they all made disgusting, vile and repulsive comments about the web head, some even thought that he should've been aborted or executed at birth to prevent the creation of such an evil person despite them not knowing that Dr Octopus was in Spider-Man's/Peter's mind & body and was using his body to commit evil & horrific crimes. The room resonated with cheers of relief. The Avengers, who had once been Spider-Man's allies, reveled in their newfound freedom from his perceived interference. The atmosphere was charged with an air of triumph, oblivious to the reality that a true hero had fallen.

As the festivities unfolded, no one bothered to honor Spider-Man's memory or acknowledge the sacrifices he had made. The absence of a proper trial for Spider-Man showcased the world's quick judgment and dismissal of a hero who had put his life on the line countless times for their safety.

Lawyers who were also heroes, like Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, failed to uphold the principles of justice. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty was discarded, further highlighting the pervasive disdain for Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, Felix Parker, left orphaned by his father's demise, became a casualty of the celebratory chaos. Social workers removed him from the small, crummy apartment, placing him in the foster care system. The environment awaiting Felix Parker was far from the stability he deserved. His childhood would be marred by the shadows of loss, abuse, and the harsh reality of a world that had callously turned its back on him and his fallen father.

As the cheers resounded in celebration of Spider-Man's death, the world remained oblivious to the true cost of their joy. The void left by Peter Parker's demise wasn't just the absence of a masked vigilante but a testament to the ingratitude that had become deeply rooted in the hearts of those he had dedicated his life to protect. The city, now celebrating without restraint, would soon discover that the absence of Spider-Man came at a much greater price than they had bargained for. All the evil Spider-Man contained would eventually come back to bite them all extremely hard.

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