Chapter 4: The Living Daylights

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17 years had passed since the demise of Spider-Man, and New York found itself plunged into chaos. The villains, once contained by the web-slinger's unmatched skills and dedication, now roamed free, wreaking havoc. Kid Arachnid, Miles Morales, attempted to fill the void left by Peter Parker, but his efforts fell short and it was clear that he was no match for the criminals, villains and supervillains compared to the original Spiderman. The city, once safeguarded by the unparalleled heroism of Spider-Man, now faced unprecedented threats. The other Spider heroes, including Silk, Ghost Spider, Kaine, Scarlet Spider, Madame Web, Spider-Woman, Black Spider and Kid Arachnid, struggled to match the prowess of Peter Parker. Their collective attempts to curb the villainous onslaught proved ineffective, highlighting the irreplaceable nature of Spider-Man's unique fighting skills and unwavering commitment.

Across the superhero spectrum, the X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic 4, The Defenders, and Guardians of the Galaxy faced similar struggles. Without Spider-Man's strategic mindset and unparalleled combat abilities, they found themselves unable to contain the escalating chaos. The city that had once thrived under Spider-Man's watchful eye now crumbled under the weight of crime and disorder. 

Amidst this turmoil, a revelation came to light through an online video diary. Otto Octavius, the orchestrator of Spider-Man's downfall, addressed the world. 

"I have a machine called 'project neuron' where it allows me to switch minds and bodies with another person if they come into close contact within the machine, and I plan to use it on Spiderman as he constantly beats me at my own game." a video diary recording of Otto said.

Another video Diary showed the switching of Otto's and Spiderman's minds within the neuron machine. It then showed Spiderman's mask off to reveal its Peter Parker all this time "Yes I am inside Spiderman's mind and body, now I know who he is. Peter Parker!" 

Shocked gasps echoed as the truth unfolded, exposing the real mastermind behind the atrocities that had befallen them. The so-called 'heroes,' civilians, police officers, the army, former villains such as Rhino, Sandman & Black Cat, and even Peter's/Spiderman's ex-girlfriends were struck with extreme deep regret, guilt, sadness, depression and sorrow. The weight of guilt settled heavily on their hearts as they watched Otto's confession.

Tears flowed freely as the realization sank in – they had tortured, betrayed, and abandoned Peter Parker, the true hero who sacrificed himself to save them from ICARUS. The emotional impact reverberated through the city, bringing even the most hardened individuals to tears. Aunt May, who had disowned Peter, wept at the revelation, burdened by the regret of her harsh judgment. "I'm so sorry Peter, I should've known the personality change when Dr Octopus took over your body" she wept with the water works along with the rest of those whom let Peter Parker/Spiderman down. 

However, the bitter truth remained – Spider-Man was gone, and there was no way to bring him back. The city, drowning in remorse, resolved to honour Spider-Man's legacy by attempting to stop the rampant villains. The collective grief and guilt served as a catalyst for change, as those who once spurned the hero now sought redemption by standing against the chaos they had unwittingly unleashed.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the heroes united, determined to restore the order that had crumbled in Spider-Man's absence. The city, once divided by indifference and betrayal, now faced the consequences of its actions, searching for a way to heal and hold up the memory of the hero who had sacrificed everything for their sake. But this is clearly not easy for them.

The city plunged into chaos as the so-called heroes, police, and even the army struggled to maintain order against the surge of criminals, villains, and supervillains running rampant. The absence of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, the one who possessed unparalleled tactics, strategy, courage, skills, and unwavering will, left a glaring void in their efforts.

In the face of escalating threats, the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Defenders, S.H.I.E.L.D., the Webbed Warriors, and other heroes found themselves woefully ill-equipped to handle the crisis. The very abilities that once defined them seemed ineffective against the coordinated chaos unleashed by the criminal underworld. Even the Webbed Warriors, with their Spider powers, and Miles Morales/The Arachnid, now known as The Arachnid, with his bioelectric sting and camouflage, found themselves struggling against foes they once considered can be defeated with ease. 

The criminals, villains and supervillains had the upper hand due to the so called 'heroes' & 'superheroes' arrogance and were beating the living daylights out of all of them. This is making the morale of the 'heroes' go down in a storm drain. If only Spiderman were here they would be able to stop all of the chaos that ensued throughout New York City. 

The arrogance that had once clouded the judgment of certain heroes, particularly Miles Morales, became painfully apparent. Miles had been quick to dismiss Peter/Spider-Man's warnings, choosing to believe in his own abilities and the support of others. However, reality hit hard as he faced the harsh truth that Peter's absence left a void that even his powers couldn't fill. The mentorship he had abandoned for the allure of newer, seemingly more powerful figures like Tony Stark/Iron Man had proven to be irreplaceable.

The city echoed with the sounds of struggle, and the heroes realized the gravity of their own karma. The ones who had abandoned, abused, betrayed, ignored, and cut off Peter Parker/Spider-Man, the true hero, were now reaping the consequences of their actions. The villains they once put away were now emboldened, taking advantage of the heroes' weakened state and causing unprecedented chaos. The civilians, who had once taken Spider-Man for granted, were now witnessing the consequences of not having their silent guardian to protect them.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the heroes had to confront not only the external threats but also the guilt that gnawed at their hearts. They questioned their own decisions, grappling with the realization that they had forsaken the one person who could have made a difference. The city became a battleground, and as they fought against the rising tide of villainy, the heroes couldn't help but reflect on the man they had lost and the hero they had failed.

Nick Fury, the seasoned director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was the only one whom harboured doubts about Peter Parker/Spider-Man's sudden change in personality when Otto Octavius took control of his mind and body. However, Fury found himself occupied with a mission overseas and, trusting in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s professionalism, assumed the matter would be appropriately investigated in his absence. Little did he know that his second in command, Agent Maria Hill and Peter's younger (by 2 years) sister Teresa Parker, would pursue a different course, treating Spider-Man as a bounty to be hunted down.

Upon Fury's return and the subsequent news of Spider-Man's death, a shockwave of disgust and disbelief coursed through him. The celebration of a hero's demise by those who had once considered themselves allies left him seething with anger. Fury, driven by a deep personal connection to Peter Parker, revealed a startling truth to the so-called heroes and superheroes who had callously turned their backs on Spider-Man.

"I told you so," Fury declared, his voice carrying the weight of frustration and sorrow. He didn't mince words as he lashed out at those who had betrayed, abused, and abandoned Spider-Man. Fury's revelation that Peter Parker was his godson, a fact unknown to many, injected a personal dimension into the already charged confrontation.

"Thanks to you, my godson is DEAD!" Fury's voice quivered with a mix of anger and grief, emphasizing the profound impact of Peter's death on his personal life. The heroes, realizing the gravity of their actions, were stunned into silence by the revelation of this familial connection. Fury's rebuke continued, accusing them of a complete lack of empathy and fairness.

"There wasn't even a proper trial for him," Fury exclaimed, his frustration palpable towards Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk as they both were lawyers but failed to uphold the meaning of 'Innocent until proven guilty'.

He ragefully berated not only S.H.I.E.L.D. but all of the so called 'Heroes' and 'Superheroes' for placing a bounty on Spider-Man, bypassing due process and prematurely labelling him guilty. The heroes, now faced with the undeniable truth of their injustice, felt the weight of their collective guilt pressing down on them.

Nick Fury, having laid bare the extent of their betrayal, left the heroes in a state of introspection. The revelation of his godfather status to Peter Parker cut through their arrogance, making them confront the consequences of their actions. The confrontation with Fury became a turning point, forcing the heroes to reckon with the harsh reality that their hasty judgments had cost the life of a selfless and genuine hero.

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