Chapter 8: Planning into Action

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Ever since the rumours of a Spider themed like superhero defeating every single one of the most wanted criminals, villains & supervillains and webbing them all up to be taken away to the raft & prison have been officially confirmed, the so called 'heroes'/'superheroes' have been non-stop trying to investigate, find & confront this new masked vigilante. They all believe that this new guy could help them with other missions where they were all currently failing at.

Nick Fury is leading the investigation mainly as he doesn't trust the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, Defenders, Webbed Warriors, the other 'superheroes'/'heroes' and even the former villains/supervillains as they all have abandoned, betrayed, belittled, abused and hated on Peter Parker/Spiderman in the past and especially when they all didn't believe nor recognize it was Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus in his body all this time. So Director Fury did not want to repeat the same mistake.

"I don't want to delegate such an important task to a bunch of incompetent, self-entitled, selfish, arrogant and awful people" Nick Fury thought to himself.

Meanwhile the so called 'heroes'/'superheroes' are all theorising who this new Spider themed hero is. They want to work with this mysterious warrior as it shows promising potential, competence & reliability. The Avengers want it to be on their side.

"We need this new guy so he can be a part of the Avengers!" Tony Stark/Iron Man arrogantly stated.

"I don't like Starks attitude but he does have a point as we need all the help we can get on our team" Steve Rogers/Captain America chimed in.

The rest of the Avengers members agreed in unity.

"Oh please you will just abandon him like you did with Peter Parker/Spiderman who is a true hero unlike you sodding IDIOTS!!!" Emma Frost expressed her frustration.

"He should join the X-Men where he will protected by us mutants" Kitty Pride argued and the other X-Men members agreed along with her.

"I'm not really a fan of Spider heroes but I guess we can take him in but he better serve the interests of the superior mutant race....." Cyclops showing some reluctance but agreed too until he got cut off.

"Superior mutant race?" Jean Grey questioned rhetorically "We are not like Magneto nor the Fascists nor Nazi Germany Scott. THIS IS WHY WE BROKE UP YOU NAZI!!!!!" as she then punched him so hard she knocked the living daylights out of him.

Wolverine also joined in on beating him up "I left my Brother in all but blood to rot, words can't describe how disgusted I feel in myself for believing your propaganda" he spat out and then literally spat at Cyclops.

Everyone whilst disputing on the situation of the new Spider hero agreed that Cyclops aka Scott Summers is a huge prick.

"But we will promise to protect this new Spider hero whomever he or she is" Charles Xavier/Professor X assured everyone.

The Fantastic 4 called him and the X-Men out what they describe as fresh bullshit.

"Spare me your sentimental rubbish you BALD MAN!!!, You also abandoned Peter Parker/Spiderman behind so what makes you think, you will have your hands on another Spider-themed hero?" Sue storm/Invisible Woman aggressively stated.

"Sue is right, this new guy would be better off in the Fantastic 4 Family" her brother, Johnny storm/Human Torch added in.

"We need the best in our team" Ben Grimm/The Thing said.

"The new Spider vigilante's superpowers, skills and fighting techniques seem to be very effective given it managed to take down all of the most wanted criminals and villains!" Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic exclaimed.

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