Chapter 10: I Shall Use My Time

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Once Director Nick Fury saw Felix Parker/Spider-Cat leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier he then furiously turned his attention to the so called 'heroes', 'superheroes' and the former 'villains' and 'supervillains' and punished them for violating the pact that he and Spider-Cat had made.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" Fury directed his frustration at them "You disobeyed the order I gave you!!!"

"We... We were just trying to apologise..." Madame Web pleaded

"He doesn't want to speak with you beyond professional work, what part of that don't you UNDERSTAND?!! he rhetorically questioned.

Then he gave them all punishments such having to clean up places of the Helicarrier, help out cook food for themselves and had to do a lot of extra superhero/hero homework. They all now understood that they have pushed their luck and the boundaries too far and now Spider-Cat wasn't going to be there for them anymore. They still felt extremely guilty to Spider-Cat, not only for what they have put his father through, but him as well.

"Fury's right, we pushed our luck and now Spider-Cat is definitely not wanting to train us anytime soon" White Tiger said sadly.

"Thanks to us meddling with Spider-Cat when he insisted on being left alone outside of training hours, he doesn't want to train us anymore" Dr Strange admitted.

But then some realised Black Cat wasn't there, helping them with the punishment that Director Fury gave all of them.

"Where is Black Cat and why isn't she helping us?" Silver Sable questioned.

"Yeah, Where is that big fat evil bitch anyway!?" Red-She hulk demanded.

Meanwhile Felicia Hardy/Black Cat is in the women's bathroom in one of the bathroom stalls where she locked herself in and is crying uncontrollably. She is having a mental breakdown after her own son expressed his hatred towards her, which is perfectly understandable but she still was hurt by it. Her giant, colossal and huge size just barely fitted the bathroom stool and she was sitting on the lid of a toilet seat.

'I promise I will make it up to you my son, I will get you anything but please forgive me' She thought to herself as her cries got louder.

Then the women's bathroom door opened loudly as multiple footsteps came at her stool.

"Come out NOW!!!" Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow ordered Felicia Hardy/Black Cat.

"I KNOW YOUR IN THERE YOU BIG BITCH" She-Hulk roared at her.

"I will shoot you" Silver Sable warned Felicia.

"We will be forced to drag you if you don't come out" Silk said

the other female heroes and superheroes who were in there gave commands and threats towards Felicia Hardy/Black Cat if she didn't leave her bathroom stool soon.

"Wait everyone, she's crying' Captain Marvel stated as she knocked on her stool "Felicia I know your upset about your son, all of us are but we have a punishment given out by Fury for coming close to him outside of his work with S.H.I.E.L.D. and we need to face it so just open up and..."

The bathroom stool door got kicked flying out by Felicia Hardy's/Black Cat's big feet as Captain Marvel was sent flying by the reaction, then Felicia stood up towering the majority of the female heroes and superheroes with an upset yet extremely furious expression. Her eyes were red from her constant crying.

"He is my son you here me, MY SON I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU GOING NEAR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!" she bellowed.

"Right, if you don't stop this behaviour I will be forced to take you out" Moonstone warned her.

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