Chapter 7: Origin of the Offspring

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As the search for this new Spider vigilante continues by the so called 'heroes', 'superheroes' and the former villains & supervillains, The Spider like vigilante escapes their view when they spotted him and it swings away from them by a long distance then it swings itself to an alleyway and finally takes off his suit and eventually removes his mask. It was revealed to be an all grown up, 18 year old Felix Parker. He had very fair skin, light blue eyes and extremely light, platinum blond, medium length hair, slightly short stature & size of 5ft 5, 40kg and size 5 and a half men's feet.

Felix Parker looked absolutely stunning, amazing, cute, handsome and very young/youthful even for his 18 year old age. He was in fact the son of Peter Parker/Spiderman, his father, the true hero/superhero that everybody had failed and Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, his mother, the ruthless, cold, evil, mean, violent former criminal and gang leader. He had his mothers features such as his eyes, hair and skin whereas he had his fathers physical features such as his lean yet muscular and slightly short size.

He had his father's and mother's superpowers & super abilities and called his hero alias Spider-Cat. He has Super Strength, Super Agility, Super Endurance, Super Durability, Super Senses (eyesight, smell, hearing, taste and spider-sense), Super Jumping/Leaping up high, Super Reflexes, Can stick to surfaces, Enhanced Speed, Camouflage, Stingers, Venom Blast, Retractable Claws & Fangs in his mouth.

Felix has physical skills in Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing, Kickboxing, Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, Athletics, Running, Climbing and Weightlifting. He is a very intelligent, smart boy with an IQ of 250 and is fluent in languages: (besides English) French, Spanish, Portuguese German, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Japanese and Korean.

Felix was heading out of the alleyway with his backpack that had his superhero suit and he had his hand made web shooters on him under the sleeves of his long sleeved T-shirt. He was heading off to the homeless shelter where he was currently staying as he had nowhere else to go.

After the torture, abuse, neglection, hatred abandonment he suffered by his mother, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat for the first 12 months of his life and then the unfortunate and sacrificial death of his father Peter Parker/Spiderman, this left poor Felix Parker to be placed in a horrible orphanage and a corrupt foster care system by social workers who couldn't care about what he was going through. The orphanage, its workers and the other kids there treated him so terribly and awfully by making fun of his small size, beating him up and weird personality as Felix was a kind, nice and thoughtful yet a very quiet, timid, silent and shy boy. He was a loner and an outcast so this made him an easy target to bully.

Felix's had powers at birth but they were watered down compared to his fathers and mothers powers until he was 5 years old when the first signs of his Spider and Cat powers/abilities emerged and kicked in through Super strength, Super Jumping/Leaping, Sticking to surfaces and having his Super Senses. But the rest of his powers & abilities didn't full develop yet until he was 16. Initially when he discovered his newfound powers he didn't know what to do with them and was scared because of the horrific treatment from others, he received all throughout his childhood and that helped overall to morph his personality into a smart, kind yet shy, timid & quiet person. He always that felt besides his powers, abilities and intelligence, there was something else that made him different but he couldn't figure out what it was and why.

He figured out from files he discovered that his father was Peter Parker and his mother was Felicia Hardy. Combined this with his mix of Spider & Cat superpowers and abilities he discovered that his father Peter was Spiderman and his mother, Felicia was the Black Cat. He heard the story of his father all of a sudden turning to the dark side when he stopped that and Spiderman then claimed that Otto Octavius/Dr Octopus was the one controlling his mind & body but no one believed him. Felix also heard of his mother's criminal, thief, stealing activities and being caught then beaten up by Spiderman whom at the time was Otto inside all along. From there, she was webbed up by Otto in Spiderman's body & mind and was sentenced to prison, then she broke out and got pregnant, gave birth to a child then augmented her body with scientific and biological resources to make herself physically larger, stronger & tougher and 7ft 1, 155kg and size feet of 15 & a half. Then she brutally, savagely, violently and evilly attacked Spiderman. Felix was understandably extremely angry at his mother, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat whom not only left him but also was a wanted criminal, committed evil actions against others, ran a criminal gang/empire and nearly killed his father Peter Parker/Spiderman.

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