🍿 Rain ~ hyunin

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Little ~ Jeongin
Caregiver ~ Hyunjin


It was the morning of a beautiful Sunday. Even though Sunday's true pleasure is not experienced by K-pop idols, but today JYP had a change of heart.

Everyone was sitting at the dining table and relishing the breakfast cooked by their five star chef aka Lee Minho.

They were eating rather peacefully because JYP had decided to give Skz a day off in order to restore their energy and work with even better devotion.

"So, what are y'all's plans for today? How are y'all gonna enjoy this holiday?" Their sunshine, Felix questioned with gleaming eyes that suggested that he was full of ideas.

"I'm gonna enjoy this precious day with my cats. So I'm going to my home. Jisung, wanna tag along? Doongi misses you." Minho replied while addressing the quokka-like member.

"Yeah... Besides I had no plans in mind." Jisung's affirmation earned a glare from Changbin, who had already made a deal regarding doing a 'fastest cheesecake eating' challenge.

The shortest of the group huffed and said, "Fine Han-ah. You'll have to pay for it."

"Alright. No quarrels in the morn. Well, I'm going on a shopping spree today, so you can definitely join." Chan offered to Changbin, to which he agreed.

"Seungmin, let's finish our match today." Felix exclaimed about completion of their delayed video game battle, which he was close to winning.

Seungmin nodded in confirmation. Then, they attended to the remaining duo and Jisung, before anyone else, questioned, "What about you two? Hyunjin don't tell me you're visiting those art museums again. Please live in the present somewhat."

Hyunjin immediately answered while shaking his head, "No, no. I'm not. Plus today's free time can be used by Jeongin to regress to his little headspace and I'll take care of him."

"That's so Chan hyung of you. Thanks." Jeongin's gratitude caused his bandmates laughing except the mentioned one.


< Time skip : 4 p.m. >

It was the little's snack n' movie time. Thus, his caregiver could be seen in the kitchen, fidgeting with the utensils because his baby, who was sitting on the couch and selecting a Disney movie for today, demanded for his love, popcorn, but his last time of making popcorn lead to a breakdown of the poor microwave.

He could've made it in the air fryer, but Minho wouldn't mind shoving him in one at 180 degrees for 20 minutes if the one in the kitchen ended up malfunctioning.

So, without risking his life, he settled on a pan. He began with drizzling oil, and when it was heated ideally, he spilled the kernels in the pan with a pinch of salt.

Being a messy newbie at cooking, Hyunjin didn't know the further steps. So, he patiently waited while sitting on the countertop for the popcorn to get ready in the pan, without lid.

Meanwhile, the maknae was feeling uncomfortable without his caregiver by his side. So, after a minute of shuffling restlessly on the couch, he decided to go to the older.

As he entered the kitchen, he was showered with lots of love. In other words, popcorn.

The clumsy cook was pouring all his efforts to stop this rain but the kernels kept on popping and flinging in all directions.

Jeongin chuckled while twirling in the sprinkling puffed corn. It was evident that he was overjoyed by this euphoria.

He even attempted to jump and catch a few of them in his agape mouth. His giggles were so priceless. It could be proven by the Hyunjin's expression.

The dancer was indeed overjoyed too, but his euphoria was the little and his adorable actions.

He, coming out of his trance, decided to switch the stove off. The instant he did so, the shower paused and the baby singer whined.

"Why did chu stawp rain? Ish fun to dansh an pway." The little protested.

"Baby, we'll play in this rain again sometime. Now the cloud got empty so no more rain. I'll tell the cloud to bring along his friends next time. Alright?" Hyunjin managed to make an excuse and for fooling babies, it was easy.

"Kay. I wan mowe pop con wain." Jeongin's excitement made the caretaker coo.

Hyunjin couldn't resist his baby's cuteness, so he picked him up, took him to the couch and gave his little cuddles instead of popcorn today.



Ik I suck at cute stuffs too TT
But I hope you liked this oneshot.

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Fighting !!!

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