Christmas 🎁 pt.1 ~ H.hj x Skz

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Little ~ Hyunjin
Caregiver ~ Stray Kids


CHAN - Daddy
MINHO - Dada
HYUNJIN - Jinnie
HAN - Appa
FELIX - Hyungie


It was the Christmas holidays and Stray Kids had decided to celebrate the festival together. Thus, although given opportunity, no one went for solo vacations at their  hometown. They just wanted to spend some quality time with each other and create more unforgettable memories for the waning year.


"Enough. We understand that you're excited." Chan had to cut off Jisung's rambling as he didn't want commotion in the morning.

Jisung pouted at the interruption yet nodded afterwards. Changbin, who was walking down the stairs, saw Jisung's expression and said in order to change the mood,

"How about we go to the other dorm for breakfast and discuss our plans?"

In reaction, Jisung beamed with joy and scurried towards Hyunjin's room to wake him up. The dancer, as everyone is well aware, was a heavy sleeper and hence, it took the Quokka nearly ten minutes to make him stir a bit.

"Hyunnie, WAKE UP!" Tired, Jisung had to scream right in Hyunjin's ear and jerk him vigorously. The sleepyhead jolted awake and hissed at the rapper for injuring his eardrum.

Han shrugged it off and instructed the elder, "Hyun, get ready quickly because we're going to the kids' dorm for breakfast."

The dumpling giggled at his enthusiasm and affirmed with a nod. Jisung mentally cooed at the cute sight and walked out of the room to give him space.

Once everyone was apt, they drove off to the maknae line and Lee know's dorm. Without any prior warning, 3Racha and Hyunjin barged in the dorm as the leader knew the password.

Felix and Seungmin, who were sitting on the couch while playing a video game on their phones, jumped at the sudden entry but after watching the visitors, they relaxed and sighed in relief.

"Hyung, the door lock password needs to be changed." Seungmin yelled in the direction of the kitchen, where Minho was cooking.

The addressed member washed his hands and came out to look at what was happening, and after seeing the other dorm's residents scattered in the living room, he nodded and traced his steps back into the kitchen to prepare the breakfast.

After a while, the DanceRacha leader shouted, "Breakfast is ready." for everyone in the dorm to hear. Acknowledging, Hyunjin rushed towards Lee know in order to help him with plating and setting the table. The elder sweetly smiled at his efforts.

Soon every bandmate joined the breakfast and the impatient Quokka asked, "So does anyone have any plans in mind regarding this Christmas?"

All shook their heads in response except Jeongin. The maknae proposed, "I have an idea." To which, everyone looked at him with keen eyes.

"Let's celebrate this Christmas with Jinnie as we did last year. What do y'all say?" And Hyunjin choked on his food.

Chan assured him while Felix was rubbing his back and Changbin was giving him water to drink, "Hyunnie, don't worry baby. I know what you're thinking. Please don't feel like that. You're not at all a burden to us."

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