Lesson ~ Seungjinlix

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Littles ~ Seungmin, Felix
Caregiver ~ Hyunjin


Little Minnie and Lixie always liked to play with their stuffed toys at the park. They, ever since the day they watched Tom and Jerry animation on the television, tried to portray it as their own 'Puppy and Chick' version, where they used their stuffies to chase each other and end up shrieking in amusement.

Today, they had the similar desire to enjoy themselves at the park. So they decided to go and insist their caregiver to escort them to the park.

They were talented in convincing Hyunjin as their winning strategy, which was simply soft soaping, never faultered.

Thus, they went to locate their naive caretaker and once found, attacked the poor with so many warming hugs and kisses.

Hyunjin seemed to figure out their motive as he asked, "Hmm... What's in your mind? What do you want from me you munchkins?"

As a response frosted with honey, Felix spoke while wearing adorable doe eyes,

"ouw pwinsh jinnie, pwease we wan to pway in pawk. Can chu take us?"

"Pwetty pwease~"
Seungmin too participated in the whining.

The older sighed knowing that they wouldn't stop their pleads and constantly annoy him unless he took them.

At last, he had no alternative than obliging  and accompanying them to the park. Therefore, he agreed and the younger ones scampered in the direction of their room to get their plushies along.

Then, the caregiver held both his little's hands in his either ones and walked with them to the park.

As soon as they reached, the little duo drew out their palms from Hyunjin's clasp and waddled their way towards the water fountain, which was situated at the core of the playground.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin settled himself on a nearby bench where he either scrolled through the social media on his phone or admiringly gazed at his babies every once in a while.

Adorable giggles and slight huffs filled the air as Minnie's pup aka PUPPYM could be seen chasing Lixie's chick aka BBOKARI.

Those cute sounds, all of a sudden, turned into shrill screeches and yells, making Hyunjin alarmed.

He snorted and walked to the littles, who were bickering and fighting like real life Tom and Jerry.

The presence of their caregiver made them disentangle and both stood upright, looking down.

The older, earlier prepared to furiously explode like dynamite at them, settled on frustratingly popping like bubble after watching their guilty expression.

"What's the matter? Why do you both fight while playing? Shall I stop bringing you here or letting you play together?"

Both abruptly shook their heads and mumbled 'sowwy', still heads bowed down with embarrassment and fear of getting scolded in public.

Hyunjin softened at their apology and leaned close to them in order to peck their cheeks successively.

As he bent his head to kiss Seungmin, he noticed a cut on his cheekbone as his eyes widened.

"Oh my! Minnie, how did you get this?" He asked the little while stroking the scar with his thumb gently.

Seungmin hesitated to answer yet did it as he felt hurt, "Lixie hit Minnie".

Hearing the reply and watching his little, who was pouting with eyes glossy, Hyunjin gasped and looked at the culprit.

Felix hastened to give a justification, "Minnie ish bad boy so Lixie hit Minnie."

"How is Minnie not good?" Hyunjin asked with a raised brow.

"Minnie wins evewytime. Bbokawi fell down an got ouchie." Little Lixie's explanation made Hyunjin mentally facepalm himself.

"Baby, then you are at fault here. You can't just hit Minnie because he wins. Bbokari got hurt in the play but Minnie got a scar in reality. What you did is absolutely wrong, so apologise to him and hug each other." The matured one instructed.

Felix pouted before facing Seungmin to apologise, "Lixie sowwy. Pwease fowgib Lixie." He showed him his puppy eyes.

"Minnie, Lixie has realised his mistake. Now forgive him and be friends again."

" Buh Lixie hit Minnie. We punish Lixie?" Seungmin was genuinely hurt.

Felix' eyes became teary upon hearing the term 'punish' and he looked at Hyunjin with hopeful eyes.

"Mhm... Lixie, you really hit him hard. So you deserve a small punishment. Minnie, what's your plan?" The tallest spoke, drowning Felix' floating expectations.

"Umm...tickwes!" Seungmin exclaimed his idea of revenge with a mischievous grin on his face.

Said that, instantly both Seungmin and Hyunjin pounced on the guilty chick while tickling. They were merciless for a few minutes as the little Lixie was dying out of laughing uncontrollably.

The moment the oldest saw tears trickling down Felix' eyes, he paused and ordered Seungmin to do the same.

They relaxed for a while after Felix' panting ended and Hyunjin spoke, "So my babies, the lesson of the day is that you should not fight with each other due to jealousy. Got it?"

"Yesh!" Both the littles replied in sync. The caregiver pulled in his puppy and chick for a group hug and kissed their foreheads lovingly.

Then they went for a round two of tickling Felix as his chuckles filled the entire park.


I'm currently having many story ideas but I'm not sure about the ships. So which duo or trio y'all need next?

Plus, thanks for supporting my book "Followers":)

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Fighting !!!

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