Stray Littles ~ Skz X 2min

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Littles ~ Skz
Caregivers ~ Minho & Seungmin


"Hey little one!"

Seungmin exclaimed while crouching down besides and ruffling the hair of a buff guy, as he had discovered that the latter was a little.

The little looked up from the grass he was sitting on and Seungmin couldn't keep back the coo that arose after watching the other's glossy eyes and adorable face.

"What's your name baby?" He asked gently.


"Aww.. That's a sweet name." Seungmin smiled.

He saw the pout on the little's face a second later and seeing him alone in the garden at such hour made him question,

"Don't you have a caregiver?"

The way the little shook his head with the lingering pout, indicating sadness, the way he was sitting and playing alone in a relatively remote park, had Seungmin's heart clench in pain.

He loathed watching littles being helpless, and so did Minho, his partner. The little in front of him was another stray little that he had encountered with. Thus, Seungmin did the only thing he was supposed to do in such situations.

"Would you like me being your caregiver from now on?"

Binnie's head shot upwards and he abruptly nodded at the offer. The feeling of loneliness vanished from him the moment his caregiver took his hand, making him stand along.

"Let's go." Seungmin said with a smile. He spoke, seeing the confused look on the other's face,

"Our home. And informing you in advance that there are five more littles and another caregiver waiting for you.."

The little's eyes lit up with excitement and the thought of having two caregivers with five playmates made him grin widely.

Nodding reassuringly, Seungmin walked with his newly claimed little towards his house, while imagining the reactions of his other babies and Minho, who had the softest spot for littles.


As he opened the door of his house, the sight warmed Seungmin's heart as usual and he was, the next instant, engulfed in a group hug by his five littles.

Binnie, who hid behind his caregiver out of hesitation, was surprised to see his playmates, five literally adorable and good looking of his kind.

Minho walked towards the door in order to detach his babies from his partner and free him. When he saw a short and cute guy peeking in from behind Seungmin, he motioned the other to explain.

"Another stray little. Found him in the park alone. So I thought why not give him a family? He's really sweet though."

On listening, the other caregiver's judging eyes turned into fond ones, almost mother like, and he gently pulled out the little. Binnie felt too comfortable with his caregivers and he let himself getting hugged by Minho.

"Daddy, new wittle?"

Seungmin nodded at Innie's question and taking everyone, including Minho and Binnie, into his embrace, he uttered,

"Now we have another member in our Miniverse."

"FAM!" Minho corrected him.

Seungmin termed it as their Miniverse with regards to the caregivers, his and Minho's names. However, he knew the fact, just as the littles knew it too, that he could never win any fight against Minho, who wanted to call it as a Fam, for it sounded like a happy family.

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