Vampire pt.2 ~ Hyunho

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Today was Hyunjin's birthday and thus, he was sitting in Minho's car while the caregiver was driving him to somewhere 'special'.

The little was impatiently jerking his legs to and fro. Meanwhile, Minho was in a trance of overthinking about his baby's reaction to the surprise.

Besides deep down, Minho's vampire instincts were manifesting red shade, signifying the chances of fiery and dangerous events occurring in the future. He was feeling paranoid about today's outing and it was suffocating for him.

As the journey stopped with a brake's pull, the eager ferret began bouncing on his seat until the older scooped him up and carried him in his arms.

They entered the café to be greeted by the sight of numerous adorable puppies and dogs, and the birthday boy, aflame with joy, turned to hug his caregiver firmly and squealed in excitement, making Minho coo and satisfied by the reaction.

All the while Hyunjin was occupied with the dogs, Minho kept a check on him and his surroundings to ensure his safety.

Later, when the little whined while rubbing his tummy, "Jinnie hungwy.", the older decided to order something to eat.

When the six year old was taking too long in the washroom, as he had excused himself for washing his hands, Minho felt skeptical about it. So, he decided to check on him.

The instant the door of the restroom opened, Minho was shocked by the scene in front of his eyes. He found his baby watching a live vampire episode.

The oblivious dumpling was settled on the countertop while a bloodsucker, wearing apron meant he was a barista, was standing between his legs, trying to allure him by his dark crimson eyes to give in.

Minho felt his blood boiling as no one had the right to touch his little except him. He knew that the vampire found it's taste, now hiding Hyunjin wouldn't help anymore. The undead creatures, who were blood-thirsty, would detect him by his luscious smelling blood and wouldn't give up until they savour it all.

The solitary solution was him shape shifting into his vampire form and shielding Hyunjin using his elemental powers.

Now he hoped that the little knew about his confidential identity before. It wouldn't have been that electrifying as it'd be when Minho would transform before his eyes.

The ferret might get horrified by him and leave him, such thoughts were fogging the older's brain. But he cleared his mind prior to begin the action of today's episode.

Earlier than the blood drinker could near his canines to Hyunjin's neck, Minho stepped in while yelling,

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?"

The unfazed immortal turned to the direction of the voice and replied, "Way to ruin a moment. I think you're not blind enough to see that I'm trying to devour the sweetest meal ever." with a smug expression.

Soon the smirk on his face turned into an 'o' as he realised that the interferer was a vampire himself, by his smell.

"You don't have the liberty to touch what's others."Minho raged after snorting at his sarcastic attitude.

The bloodsucker raised his brow while asking, "Whom does he belong to? Huh?"

The caregiver answered with pride while emphasising each word,

"He is mine."

"And the Burj Khalifa is mine. Bold of you to think that I'll believe in such ridiculous jokes." The red eyed mocked.

The elemental had enough of him. He inhaled sharply and glared at the hand ascending towards Hyunjin's inner thighs.

"Let's ask him."

"Fine." The barista sighed and faced Hyunjin. He asked while seducing the little with his scarlet eyes and caressing his thighs,

"Who owns you doll?"

The baby, who was sinking in the trap, broke free from his hypnotised state after feeling fingers on his sensitive thighs. As he noticed his caregiver, he made grabby hands towards him while screeching,


Minho, with a victorious sneer, walked to his little and held him securely in his arms. He turned to the flabbergasted vampire and said, "I think you're not deaf enough to hear his answer. Now go away before I call my friend Changbin."

Hearing the name, the barista gasped and left the washroom as quickly as possible because Changbin was the Count of bloodsuckers in Seoul.

The instant the other vampire was no more with them, Minho asked to his baby, "Jinnie, how did you let him touch you? Didn't I teach you self defence?"

The younger nodded and pouted in guilt of letting his caregiver down. But before Minho could assure him that it's fine, Hyunjin asked curiously,

"He ish weal vampiwe?"

The elder was mindful of that fact that the ferret wouldn't go home until he met the vampire once more if he told the truth.

"No baby. He was a bad guy, that's it. Now, let's eat because you're hungry, right?"

Hyunjin nodded as a response but was still unconvinced by Minho's reply. The older seemed to notice it and hence, he thought to change the topic and lighten the mood.

"Love, did you like the surprise?"

"Yesh! Jinnie wove puppies. Than' chu daddy!"

The little answered with beaming eyes and a charming grin, just as the older had thought.

For the time being the six year old was stuffing his dumpling cheeks with food, Minho couldn't calm the fear erupting within his mind from the incident. He was petrified with the idea of his baby becoming the prey of those blood-hungry creatures.

Even though Changbin could outlaw Hyunjin as inaccessible from their hunting constitution, but the heavenly fragrance of his blood would force the vampires to become criminals by illegally chasing for his taste.

The single route to follow was Minho's powers. He didn't have any other preference than revealing his vampire self to Hyunjin, much to his dislike.

While returning to home, the caregiver saw his little repeatedly huffing, the sight was irresistibly adorable in Minho's opinion, but he looked upset about something.

Thus, Minho questioned his behaviour, "Baby, what happened? Are you not happy with the surprise?"

The little, on realising that his daddy felt it that way, abruptly shook his head, falsifying the assumption.

"Then what's the matter? Why are you sulking like you want something? Do you want anything?" The older spoke while facing the ferret as they reached the parking lot.

Hyunjin replied after nodding,

"Jinnie wan see weal vampiwe."

He showed his enchanting doe eyes and Minho, who was ever since fallen for his captivating tactics, couldn't deny. He had decided that he'd today, no matter what, hit two aims with one arrow.

Not only unmasking would help him keep the bloodsuckers at bay, but Minho could fulfill his little's birthday wish too.


Sowwy, buh thewe ish pawt thwee~

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Fighting !!!

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