Abyss pt.2 ~ DanceRacha

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Little Jinnie simultaneously opened his eyelids in order to see the impact his thunderous roar had wrought. The sight caught by his vision quaked his entire system as he couldn't recall when or how did he end up here potentially. He jolted up, jerked his head left and right as he felt himself hallucinating scenes, and hugged himself, out of fear, firmly. Then, he noticed that he wasn't geared in the wetsuit anymore, instead they were actually his bed clothes, as he could touch and feel them. He ghosted his palms more around his figure, constantly moving upwards to check upon all his features. When his fingertips felt the moist cheeks, swollen eyes and no snorkeling mask on his face, Jinnie became certain that the sights and sounds before him were real. Everything was true, yet false parallely. Inhaling a huge amount of oxygen present, which he was inversely at deficient of a few moments prior, he released his breath slowly. The little repeated the action of contracting and relaxing his lungs several times until his heartbeats felt steadier. With arms yet enveloping his terror stricken body, he trailed his tear-laden eyes from his lap towards the view forth. He gradually straightened up his neck, shifting the gaze forwards and focused his energy to see and hear whatever he was surrounded with.


The three prominent sights perceived by his sore eyes — Minho, Lixie and their comfortable bedroom, marked it as the happiest moment of the little Jinnie's almost crumpled life. The next instant he found himself leaping on the distraught caregiver, whose forehead was disfigured with ridged eyebrows and arms wide open, inviting, while he was facing the little with Lixie besides. However, the little paused mid-air, and withdrew back himself as promptly as he leaned ahead. He crawled a bit negative for his messed up brain was supplemented with a new uncertainty; the frightful fish group might have transformed into the now bewildered caregiver and the fellow little. For people, such obstruct doubts probably won't make any sense, but he was a little with a childish logic in his defence. The sole solution to confirm his skeptical opinion was to feel them by touch. Hence his trembling hands skimmed through the bedsheet, slowly in the direction of the other males. The little's gaze followed his hands, which were apparently close to their destination. He squeezed his eyes shut and hesitantly moved his shaking fingers to touch the caregiver's knees ahead. The hand reflexively returned to the owner when it met the desired spot and felt it solid. Fully satisfied that his fears didn't exist, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath and pounced on the older.

Minho, who was well aware of and highly worried about his little's most horrible nightmare until now as the night was full of screams and cries, quickly wrapped his arms tightly around the dangling one. Familiar with the consoling techniques, the caregiver began to caress the little's back while straddling him on his lap comfortably, running fingers through his hair and mumbling sweet nothings as softly as possible, directly in his ear.

"Shh..shush. Everything's alright!"

"Daddy is here... Calm down Jinnie."

"It was a bad dream. No one is hurting you baby."

Minho started to rock side by side with a lost Jinnie in his embrace. He motioned the weeping Lixie to join the hug. The youngest, shaken from the yells and noises of the other little, did as suggested. He back hugged the terrified little, with forearms betwixt the caregiver's and Jinnie's abdomens and chin resting on the other's shoulder. He too used his knowledge of calming down and began to rub the wrecked little's tummy in a soothing manner. The caregiver instinctively stretched the caressing hand in order to hold both his dear littles protectively. Nothing in the world could harm them when they have Minho as a shield. A while later, when Jinnie's sobbing had decreased to occasional sniffs, the caregiver gently pulled out. Watching the disheveled state of his baby shattered Minho's aching heart. Nevertheless, he detached himself from the littles, handling Jinnie to Lixie for taking care, while he stitched the heart's broken segments and left the room to get some water for his littles.

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