Vampire pt.3 ~ Hyunho

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The yet sulking baby, who was frustrated by getting no response to his desire, was lumbering on the couch as he was told to wait.

Meanwhile, Minho had excused himself to acquire energy from the moonlight as metamorphosis utilised a lot of energy.

When he had gathered enough, the caregiver traced his steps back to his baby.

Upon catching the glimpse of his daddy, Hyunjin neatened his position and sat straight, curious about Minho's unusual gait.

As Minho tottered to the couch due to his excessive energy, he took a deep breath to ease his panic and began,

"Jinnie, I have one more surprise for you."

To this, the six year old flickered with enthusiasm and asked with a head tilt,

"Whah ish it?"

The caregiver seemed to relax a bit and with another tranquilizing puff, he said, "Just look at me and don't get frightened. I won't harm you, love. Got it?"

The younger raised a brow in confusion, yet nodded to see what's coming.

Minho walked to the centre of the room, stretched his muscles in a non-flexing manner and began activating the gene that usher in the conversion process.

He winced slightly as a result of the protruding horns, claws, tail and other features, which altered the skeletal system.

All Hyunjin needed were popcorn and cold drink as his fantasies were developing into reality in front of his eyes and the unimaginable was happening. The fearless and courageous kid was genuinely enjoying the show and in his views, it was the best vampire motion picture ever.

Shortly, the episode was over as the caregiver was completely transformed into his vampire character.

The elemental, according to the little, appeared like a hero in the Vampire species. The shape shifter had exquisite attributes.

The look could be described as beginning from the compact, tapering horns coming through the blond, messy and dense hair, lowering at the tawny orbs, further the expressionless, pale face and the Sun, Minho's element, embossed at the wrists, which narrowed to the rugged, dagger like claws and all-embracing ruffled clothes with unfolded flaps around the neck and wrists.

In a nutshell, Minho's external appearance was disheveled yet attractive. The sun's factor gave an additional glow to his looks. The sight, for Hyunjin was extremely enthralling and he got carried away from the practical world.

The little was too deep inside his stupor that the older had to physically yank him to get back into his senses. Once returned, the baby exclaimed with delight,

"Daddy weal vampiwe! Weal vampiwe! Yay!"

Among all the possible reactions to his exposure that Minho had analysed, bouncing with joy wasn't one of them. Thus, to say that the caregiver stood with jaw dropped in astonishment, was an understatement. His heartbeats were running wild.

The ferret didn't exhibit any signs of shock, fear or terror, rather he was revolving around the vampire to have a 360 degree view. Minho, within an instant, turned back into a human being to halt his baby's movements by restraining him and making him sit on his lap on the couch.

After an uneasy silence for Minho, he made the younger look into his eyes and asked,

"Love, your daddy is really a vampire. Aren't you afraid?"

The brave little shook his head while replying,

"Nuh.. Daddy wook good vampiwe. Jinnie nuh scawe."

Minho's eyes widened at the complement as he thought that his elemental state would gross out the other, but he realised that his little was very supportive. Pleased with the six year old's cute actions, Minho kissed him on his forehead and looked fondly in the younger's eyes.

The inquisitive dumpling's question made Minho choke on his saliva.

"Daddy dwink jinnie's bwood?"

The caregiver, after readjusting his demeanor, settled on letting out the entire truth.

"No baby. I don't drink blood because I'm an elemental vampire. My energy is attained by natural elements. So I won't harm you in any way nor let any other vampire touch my Jinnie." He smiled softly in a reassuring fashion.

"Kay daddy!"

"So... How was your present?"

"Ish besh suwpwise eveh!" The little claimed while hopping on Minho's lap and clapping hands in bliss.

The caregiver was relieved knowing that he wouldn't lose his love and now he could defend the little from the bloodsuckers.

"Dumpling, I have to use my powers on you in order to protect you from the blood drinkers. Will you allow me?" The older asked gently, earning a nod in confirmation.

Without any further delay, he got up, placing the little on the couch, shape shifting into the vampire and started summoning his controls.

The elemental had superiority over the red eyed vampires as his strengths were their weaknesses. The bloodsuckers had aversion to direct sunlight and hence, they stayed indoors most of the time except night.

Keeping that in mind, Minho enveloped his baby in an invisible layer of a compound that had high affinity for solar radiation. He coated that layer with another sheet of light emitting gases that would deflect any blood drinking vampire.

Once contented with the safeguard measures, Minho reversed his metamorphosis and hugged the ferret tightly as a comfort.

"Baby we're done. Now no one will drink your blood ever and you'll be safe." He said after pulling out.

The little nodded and snuggled into his caregiver's chest as he was not accustomed to such experiences and everything was overwhelming for him.

Minho figured out his hesitation as he securely wrapped his arms around his baby and carried him to the bedroom.

He mumbled a tiny, "happy birthday jinnie" and pecked his forehead while cuddling the birthday boy to sleep.


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Fighting !!!

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