Strength and Weakness ~ HyunChan (ft. MinSung)

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Littles ~ Hyunjin, Jisung
Caregivers ~ Bangchan, Minho



"Hwang Hyunjin is my greatest strength and Hwang Hyunjin is my greatest weakness."

- Bangchan

With that, the famous racer locked his hard cover diary and placed it back into the secret drawer, which camouflaged well with his garage's monochromatic walls. He went back inside his home office and sat on the chair after checking on his sleeping baby once. Chan leaned back against the recliner and closed his eyes in order to revisualise the occasions that were testimony to the statement he last wrote.



"Appa! Appa! 'pa!" These mere cheers, easily distinguishable, were enough to recharge Chan's all the drained energy and boost his confidence up till max. He caught the little's bouncing figure in the mass of spectators and the precious smile beamed at him filled him with the intention to win. He instantly pressed the gas pedal with his foot while moving the clutch in order to accelerate the gear.

"And there he goes. Our Chris is again in the lead, leaving the competitors far behind. Bravo!" Acclaimed the commentator while the crowd was hooting the racer's name loudly.

Chan drove past the finished line, unlatching the red ribbon, and all the beholders stood up to applaud for his win while whooping in delight.

"Woo Hoo! That was thunderous! He proved it again that he is the best racer in the town. Chris is indeed matchless." Ignoring the ongoing ovation, the winner left his car and was immediately bounded by the reporters.

"Chris, the audience would like to know about your source of motivation. Where do you get this much strength and courage from?"
The questioned one muttered an audible 'wait here' and ran in the direction of his baby, who was getting jostled due to the cheering people he was surrounded with. The spectators near Hyunjin were freaking out by watching the famous racer approaching them.

"Appa win! 'pa winnuh!" Cried the little with thrill. Bang Chan picked him up from his seat in his muscular arms, earning loud gasps from everyone. He fastened the younger's legs around his waist and carried him towards the waiting reporters. After catching his breath from the exercise, the racer faced the camera with his baby and began,

"What motivates me to win the races is the beautiful smile on his face when I get the trophy. Honestly, his encouraging words are my driving force and I don't win for the prize but for his precious reaction and so that we could live happily. He is my strength."



Taking home the deserved trophy, Bang Chan received an opportunity to exhibit his talent at a bigger level. He got a chance to race at the national level and win for his country after many victories at the local tier. At any costs, he wasn't letting the golden chance slip out of his hands. Therefore, with the uplifting praises and blissful expressions of the little, Chris began to practice hard for the race, which was in approx two months.

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