Christmas 🎁 pt.2 ~ h.hj X Skz

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Jinnie's wishlist :

> Proper sleep routine for Daddy.

> Break from exhausting schedule for Dada.

> Recognition of Papa's talent by STAY.

> Anxiety reliever and happiness for Appa.

> Good health for Hyungie.

> Opportunities for Minnie to show his vocal abilities to a wider audience.

> Lots of love, care and respect for Innie.

> Lastly, confidence for Jinnie because Jinnie wants to meet STAY.


The maknae line, excluding Seungmin, was squeezing the soul out of their little as if they had discovered that all the world's humanity was soaked up by him or perhaps he was the first official and authentic angel to have debuted on the Earth; highly exaggerated as it sounds.

The younger caregivers were unduly overwhelmed by Hyunjin's wishes that their hearts were threatening to explode as a result of the immense warmth and swell out of unconditional love.

Since the 'victim of excessive fondness' had set his feet in the slippers after deciding to leave the bed, his caregivers had been mercilessly flooding him with praises, kisses, hugs and lift ups, which albeit he loved a lot, yet it felt tad freaky to him.

Little Jinnie, who was absolutely oblivious of the cause, had unsuccessfully attempted to simmer down the steaming affection. While the maknae line was occupied in exhibiting their love, the hyung line, plus Seungmin, were grounded by a risky subject; Jinnie's last request. They were hesitant about their fellow bandmate's reputation and the consequences of daring.

"Hyung, we trust STAY and they won't hate him for something like that. It'll all turn out as expected." Changbin, as the third eldest, tried to reassure the anxious leader when they achieved in isolating themselves from the chaos.

"Exactly, STAY love us equally as we love them. They are very supportive, so don't pressurise your aged brains much." The mature puppy added, earning glares from his hyungs.

"Hmm.. Maybe we should accept his wish because we can't let Jinnie down and besides one day he'll have to disclose his identity of a little." Replied Chan, after contemplating others' opinions and the possible outcomes.

Conjointly agreeing, the hyung line, with Seungmin, made their way towards the poor little, whose expression suggested the desire to have some peace. Chuckling, Changbin dragged the younger out of the mess and settled him down on the tuffet with his colouring book, while the leader left the room in order to take permission regarding the risk from none other than JYP.

The rest caregivers, encircling their little, sat on the rug. As much as they wanted to pinch his dumpling cheeks and ruffle his silky hair, no one yet had the audacity to touch him even the slightest as Jinnie didn't like getting interrupted in any way while he was into his artistic mode.

Three adoring gazes and three daydreaming visions turned into concerned frowns when suddenly the little closed his book and faced them with glossy eyes and a pout. Felix, as he was sitting closest to the taller, inched near him and asked while cupping his cheeks.

"What's the matter baby? Why did you left your drawing in middle?"

"H-Hyungie..uh Jinnie...."

The little hiccuped, unable to form a proper sentence as he looked at his caregivers with an unreadable expression. All the other idols too scooted near him and Changbin questioned his demeanor,

"Cupcake, can you please tell papa what's wrong? Do you wanna ask us something?" Hyunjin nodded and spoke with a barely audible voice,

"C-can STAY see J-Jinnie on Chwishmas?"

He immediately lowered his head, hesitant to watch their reactions. But when one of the hands bowling his cheeks slided down to pull up his chin, the little had to reluctantly meet the eyes of his caregivers.

The chick-like smiled reassuringly at the latter, to make him relaxed, while Minho, being the second oldest, announced in the absence of their leader.

"If Jinnie wishes for it, then it has to be fulfilled. So, about we do a special Livestream on this Christmas with Jinnie as STAY's Christmas present?"

"Sounds great. Shall we do that baby?" Asked Chan while entering the room and taking a seat near the rest.

The little's eyes lit up at the idea and he nodded enthusiastically. Smiling, Felix pecked his forehead and all the caregivers backed off a bit so as to give the ferret some space as he liked.


I am so sorry to update this late, but things are going south in my life lately, so I was unable to do so.

Please bear with me since I've updated a short chapter. I'll complete the third part and will try to post asap.

Sorry for making y'all wait too long. And thanks for supporting my books.

Tap the star if you liked this chapter.

Fighting !!!

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