Abyss pt.1 ~ DanceRacha

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Littles ~ Hyunjin and Felix
Caregiver ~ Minho


They say that the world's finest wilderness lies beneath the waves.

Some might consider it true but the little divers here were wholeheartedly against this fact. Ocean, is generally deemed by the common man as an abode for the most unique and beautiful creatures one has ever witnessed. However, for the littles, the statement had to be altered to 'most horrible and dangerous creatures'. The thalassophiles might oppose this belief and revolt for hurting their emotions, yet the circumstances persisting could not be denied.

Little Jinnie and Lixie, under the supervision and company of their caregiver, were scuba diving into the ocean. To put it like they were nervous and scared of the mysterious marine life, would be a total understatement. They were, in fact, frenzied and super curious to explore the depths of the world. Nevertheless, thirty minutes later, they actually felt eerie as if something unpleasant would occur. Dismissing the unwanted worries and intuitions, they plunged in deeper, their hands intertwined. They weren't too far from the water surface, as they were besieged by multitude of vivid creatures, including the colourful schools of small fish. There were no giant mammals, sharks, octopus and all in the vicinity, hence they were safe.

The taller noticed that Minho's pace was fluctuating and he eventually was left far behind. Normally, the littles tend to speed up so Minho chased them whenever they were on land, as they regarded it as winning a race. However, it wasn't any solid terrain this time, they were inside the aquatic world.

They were eyeing the laggard caregiver with a slightly rotated neck, while their continual movements were taking them along the flow of the water. They didn't realise that they were entering into an abyss until Jinnie straightened to watch the foreground. His eyes widened and limbs began to quiver. He nudged his fellow little in order to alarm him about the situation too. The gesture seemed to work as the little Lixie gasped in shock. Both the divers made an eye contact and with a nod, much as they excelled in telepathy, they started to course backwards, retreating in the direction of their caregiver.

But to their dismay, the action proved to be unhelpful. They were unable to pull out as they felt some sort of gravity, drawing their bodies towards the hole. No matter how much they tried to turn around and lean away, the flippers appeared as if they were controlled by someone else. The taller spinned around wildly to call for their caregiver, losing the shorter little's hand as a result. However, he didn't see anyone in the sudden darkness behind. He squinted his eyes and used all his force to focus around the location he last saw the elder, but no avail. Everything surrounding the abyss was swallowed by pitch blackness.


Nothing turned out fruitful. No daddy in the view for the duo. Moreover, they didn't gain any responses to their muffled yells behind the snorkels. Little Jinnie's vision blurred due to the emerging tears and he faced the abyss to clasp Lixie's hands again, as the younger was his responsibility in the absence of the caregiver. His breath hitched when he didn't find his fellow little around. The diver feverishly twirled in circles, all while gradually sinking into the abyss. He observed each and every side but caught neither Minho nor Lixie in the visible range.


The water, out of the blue, began to whirl in loops, generating something similar to a tornado underwater. Numerous schools of tiny fish, who were wandering throughout the expanse awhile ago, joined the terrified little in the hurricane and he swore that he saw them increasing in size. The entire wetsuit was soaked in sweat as he was horrified by the scenes to an extreme level. Level where he forgot to speak, move and even breath. He was feeling the lack of oxygen yet he couldn't care when death was bordering him in various forms. The current of water was getting faster, the girth of the mass of fish was developing wider, tiny fish were transforming into creepy monsters, he was swooping into the abyss deeper, everything was becoming darker, identical to his overly clouded brain and sombre eyesight. He was sobbing dreadfully, his heartbeats were louder than bombs, he was shaking with a terrible intensity, yet he didn't feel anything; his senses were dead.

His eyes were wide open, still the gruesome sights made them squeezed shut. His ears couldn't be sealed, but the only audible sound was of the violently throbbing heart. Fear had gulped him whole.

Something finally stroke his head, reminding him of the exclusive way of staying alive; use the voice. Thus, he screamed at the highest pitch his vocal cords could produce, the magnitude surpassed 100 decibels, where a companion could turn completely deaf, even if it was subdued behind the snorkeling mask.




There's no thrill if there's no suspense. That's why I didn't write the entire story here, pawt thwo sowwy.

I'll be updating slowly for a while because of exams, so forgive me.

I AM NOT Hyunjin biased! It's just that y'all don't give me ships to write and Hyunjin's personality is relatable to me that's why I prefer ships that include him.

Thanxxxx for 300+ reads y'all 🥲🥹

Look forward to my new book and older ones too.

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Fighting !!!

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