Vampire pt.1 ~ Hyunho

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Little ~ Hyunjin (age : 5 years while in littlespace)
Caregiver ~ Minho


Minho pitied his little while caressing his back gently as the little Hyunjin was throwing up in the sink. Hyunjin was whimpering and sulking as he didn't like the feeling.

After a while, when the younger calmed down, Minho took the opportunity to rebuke, but watching his baby's state, he spoke softly, "Jinnie, I told you that horror films are not your cup of tea. No one of your age is interested in vampire motifs. Let's wash up and then we can watch any Disney movie. Alright?"

Hyunjin, as stubborn he was, shook his head with arms interlocked before his chest and whined, "Nuhh...Daddy. Jinnie wan see weal vampiwe."

The older understood that he wouldn't obey him, so he picked the pouty ferret by his arms and took him to the bathtub, which he had prepared with Hyunjin's favourite bath bomb that produced lots of bubbles and foam.

While the younger was busy with his 'attack on bubbles', as he called so, Minho couldn't help but worry about his dark secret that he had been hiding from his little.

He was a vampire in disguise.

The caregiver was well aware of Hyunjin's mania for the immortals as he was fearless. The little liked them since the day he accidentally played 'Scooby-Doo! And the Legend of the Vampire' on television. He was fascinated by them.

The five year old, thereafter, refused to eat if Minho didn't let him watch a vampire based show per weekend.

Gradually, the level increased from animation to real life vampire vlogs that Minho's community members uploaded.

They would end up doing nasty tasks, if a human being was to describe, such as puncturing the victim's necks with their fangs or draining an innocent's physchic energy. It explained why Hyunjin suffered from frequent vomiting.

Actually, Minho was not a bloodsucker, since he was an elemental vampire. His strength and energy was obtained from natural elements like wind, water or even sand. Hence, he didn't fear or hesitate to become Hyunjin's caregiver. As a matter of fact, the moment he laid his eyes on the little, he had promised himself to protect the oblivious dumpling from other malicious creatures as Hyunjin's blood could be expressed from miles as super sweet and luscious, exactly what his fellow vampires craved for.

The older's thoughts were hindered by an adorable voice exclaiming,

"Daddy! Jinnie kiww aww bubbwes."

Minho mentally cooed at the sight as his baby was splashing the water here and there, creating ripples. He got up, showered all the soap from the little, made him wore his night pyjamas and tucked him in his bed.

While cuddling the ferret to sleep, Minho heard the familiar 'ding' sound, indicating that a notification was received. So, after ensuring that Hyunjin was asleep, he checked his phone and saw a reminder with the caption "Jinnie's birthday tmrw 🎈"

"Damn." The older mumbled under his breath, cursing himself for forgetting such a special occasion. He immediately detached himself from the sleeping dumpling and walked to the living room to call his friend, Chan.

"Chan hyung."

"The person you're trying to contact is currently asleep, please try again tomorrow."

"Yah! Hyung! This is urgent."

"Uhh! What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is Hyunjin's birthday. You kn-"

"So you're inviting me to a celebration party at this hour?"

"Don't cut me off. And I've called you to know about what he likes, so I could choose a present for him."

"How do you think I'm helpful in this case?"

"Hyung, I've adopted him from you. You had many kids to attend and gave me him to take care of. So I thought that you might know what he fancies."

"Umm...yes, he is fond of art supplies. He was the only less chaotic one but in a mess, I mistakenly handed him to you. He used to just sit and draw. The look on hi-"

"I didn't ask you to simp over him. And it was your life's most correct decision."

"Jealous, I see."

"Yah! Nothing like that."


"Thank you for the information. Go back into your slumber."


As the call hung up, he immediately searched for the best dog café in the proximity, as he wanted to take his little since the day he discovered Hyunjin's love for dogs, when the five year old once forgot his surroundings while playing with a stray puppy and both were lost in each other in the middle of the road that Hyunjin was saved by a hair's breadth from an accident.

After booking and paying in advance for visiting the café, Minho spooned his baby from behind and slept, enjoying the warmth.


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If anyone has any requests then I'm all in.

Plus happy Jungwonie day 🥰🎉 (acc to kst) lots of love to our little leader!!

Plus happy Jungwonie day 🥰🎉 (acc to kst) lots of love to our little leader!!

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Fighting !!!

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