„im lost"

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Y/n was born on the 24 march, her mom died after 2 days cause she wasn't feeling good and her dad leaved her. Y/ns mom told her best friend natalie Ortega to take care of y/n. Natalie had a daughter namend jenna and Jenna and y/n were spending all day long together they were bestfriends they pulled pranks on Jenna's big sister Mariah. But one day y/n turned 6 years old and Jenna was 9 years old they were outside playing hide and seek. Jenna was counting and
Y/n needed to hide and she decided to go in the forest and hide, jenna was trying to find her and y/n was in the forest lost and jenna runned home crying „Mom! Y/n is lost I can't find her!" Jenna said while crying. Natalie called the police to find her but no one find her. Natlie was crying, jenna cryed a whole year.

Meanwhile y/ns pov

Where am I, I was so lost I was screaming Jenna's name but no one was there I was scared the whole time I was so hungry and thirsty and I wanted to cry but i didnt cause crying wouldn't help but one day I found a boy in the forest he was taller than me and much older I runned to him fast as I can

The boy turned his head „heyy kid are you lost?"
I was shocked of his beauty „yes I'm lost I'm here stuck and lost a whole month!" I said. the boy was shocked too „oh my- what's your name how old are you?" he said. I was counting with my fingers how old I am „uhmm my name is y/n and I'm...6 years old!" I said. the boy was shocked how old I was „oh my- 6 years old?! Okay we will figure it out- my name is felix" he said. I was asking him how old he was but he didn't answer he took my hand and was running some where.

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