„I think im in love"

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Y/n POV:

After Felix called me I waved a goodbye to jasmin melissa and Jenna but Jenna was kinda nervous maybe because I flirted with her and almost kissed, don't know.

I got to Felix and we got in the car with hyunjin Bangchan I.n Minho seungmin changbin and Han.

We were starving and eated at McDonald's we decided to go golf.

We had so much fun and then changbin asked as he shot the golfball „so y/n is there someone you like"

Han looked at me and I said „well there is someone"

„And who is it" han asked.

„I don't know if i actually like her" I said.

„WAIT YOURE INTO GIRLS" changbin turned to me.

„Wait you're realizing it first now" Chan said while laughing.

„We all realized when we saw the posts on Emma's account on insta of y/n and Jenna, and then today in the elevator." Felix said.

„Oh my god. I forgot the elevator part I need to apologize to her!" I say then running away „SEE YALL" I scream to them and running to the hotel and guess what it starts raining. Well today it isn't my day, my whole clothes are wet and I run so fast that I almost got run over by a car and then I got by the hotel and run to the elevator. I look myself in the mirror „fuck I look like an idiot..." and then it got to Jenna's and mine floor I run to her room and knock


Jenna pov:

While I was sitting on my bed i was trying to forget what happend today but suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I walk to my door and open it and I see y/n wet in clothes water is dripping from her chin...

„Y/n-" I got cut by her.

„Jenna I'm so sorry I didn't want that to happen today I'm an idiot I know I broke you're heart i- I'm really sorry and i know sorry wouldn't help. You know...I think I fell in love with you since the night when we had sex I really don't know if I fell in love with you and I know its crazy that I just fell in love with my bestfriend but and I'm sorry for embarrassing you infront of my friends. I love you even tho if you're too old for me or we're bestfriends or you don't like me back or if you have feelings for Minho and I know I just ruined our friendship cause I confessed to you..." she says. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say

„I- I don't know what to say..."  I say almost crying because it was so cute.

„You don't have to say anything"  she said locking her eyes with me. She steps closer and closer our bodies almost touch. She takes my hand and puts my hand on her shoulders and she puts her hands on my waist. I can feel how many butterflies in stomach are... she closed the door behind her and starts kissing my neck. I jump on her and wrap my legs around her waist and she carry's me to my bed I'm on my back and she's on top of me kissing sucking on my neck. I was whimpering and she hold me close and kissed me. She was touching me.

„can I touch you" she asks me.

I nooded and then she slowly pulled my skirt down and my panties.

„Wow your wet" she says randomly.

„wet for you." i said and she just blushed like her face was a tomato when I said it. She starts sliding a finger in my entrance. I can feel it how horny she was.

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