„I love you"

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Next morning you woke up at 5am your were so tired that you even rolled your self on the floor but then you remember that you will go in the city and you got excited you got ready and you opened your door from your hotel room and she that the hotel room towards opens the door to and as it open further you see the woman from yesterday holy shit she looks gorgeous you thought, you were looking at her the whole time that even the woman realized you were looking at her

„is something wrong?" she said confused

„Oh sorry... I- uhm..." I you said while trying to find words to say but then I.n the youngest one in the group interrupted you

„Hey y/n" I.n says while looking at his right and seeing a gorgeous woman

„whoa...she's gorgeous" he blushed looking at the woman you took I.ns arm and pulled him and walked with him to the elevator

„What are you doing that was the woman that spilled my coffee on my favorite hoodie" you whispered

„well she looks gorgeous" he said
„I know..." you said and realized what you said „YOUR GA-" I.n wanted to say as the woman go in the elevator you putted your hand on I.ns mouth fast so he doesn't say anything and you take your hand fast away and nudge his arm.

Y/n pov:

As the woman turned around to us she said „I'm sorry about yesterday I was really stressed"
I said back „it's okay it's just that it was my favorite hoodie you know..."

„oh my god- Im so sorry I didn't know...well I mean it was Louis Vuitton hoddie but I promise you, I will buy it for you okay?" she said.

„Oh no you don't have to really" I said.
„Don't worry I have money" she said and winks at me.

I blushed so hard and then the elevator opened

„BYEEE GORGEOUS WOMAN" I.n screamed to the woman

And then we saw Felix in the lobby
„Holy shit was that the actor from Wednesday" Felix said shocked
„WHAT!" I.n screamed.

„don't know who's the actor from Wednesday cause I never watched that cringe show" I said friendly and got out of the lobby

All the members got ready and we got out in the city there were some paparazzi especially when stray kids came out there were full. Well I mean I'm a book writer and a singer so I'm not that famous. We shopped a little and eated at a restaurant and got back to the hotel and I sitted in the lobby cause I was tooooo lazy to walk to my room and Han sitted with me

„Hey well you told us from your childhood and like this and you said you had a bestfriend named Jenna and I was wondering if you find her" Han said.

„well I never saw her since so many years...SINCE I GOT LOST CAUSE THAT GIRL WANTED HIDE AND SEEK AND I WAS SO DUMB AND GOT IN THE FOREST!" i said getting annoyed.
Han laughs how I screamed and then I laugh to. And I was thinking to confess to him and I got nervous and I said fast „I love you"

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