„Oh cmon youre acting like a child!"

70 4 3

Y/n POV:

we eated in peace but Jenna looked angry.

is it beacuse of me and Louis having fun.

„Hey" dove comes next to me smoking.

„hey" I sit next to her.

We're currently outside it's night.

„Jenna is jealous" she says.

„I know like for no fucking reason" I say disappointed.

„Oh no it has a reason, she's in love with you and she was jealous beacuse she saw how Louis slowly falls in love with you" dove says while smoking.


„Oh yeah go to her before it's to late." she says.

„nah cause when I go to her we then have sex and after that we says let's forget it and be friends" I mumble.

„You had sex with her" she laughs.

„yes and? You jealous" I say tiredly.

„If I say yes will you lay on me" dove says and we both laugh.

„So you watched millers girl, let me guess Your favorite one is Boris" I say.

„he matches your energy" she says laughing.

„You-„  Jasmin cutting me off and says „LETS GO TO A CLUB!"

„Y/n is 18 years old" dove says confused.

„I maked a fake ID for her cause she looks like 21" jasmin says.
„Fuck yeah, thank you." I say standing up.

Dove still on the floor
„You comin?" I ask her
„I'm scared cause one time I was at the club and there was this guy and.." she starts crying, that breaks my heart.
„Oh dove come here."
I hug her.

„Jas im not coming I'm gonna stay with her."
I say to Jasmin.

„Wha- cmon you two need to come, we have 3 buff boys"
Jasmin says.

I look at dove and she looks at me.

„Fuck it.. let's go"
Dove stands up.

„That's my girl!"
Jasmin says and does a high-five with dove.

I stand up and walk inside with Jasmin and dove behind me. I see Jenna with Emma, what the fuck is she doing here
Me and Emma had a little argument because of Jenna. And we're not friends anymore.

„What the fuck is she doing here?"
I whisper to Jasmin.

„Jenna invited her."
She whispers back,

„oh...hey loves!"
I run to the others.

I look at Jenna and give her a smile, I look at Emma and give her a disgusting look. We drive to the club and after maybe 30 minutes are some of them already drunk, I'm not cause I don't wanna get drunk. I see Jenna dancing with Emma so drunk and not gonna lie I feel jealous and kinda said cause I miss Chan Jeongin felix hyunjin Han changbin leeknow and seungmin, I wish I was with them. A yell cut me of off my thoughts.

Jenna's POV:

I feel someone touch my ass while I'm dancing with Emma and I turn around cause who wouldn't to be honest I'm really drunk and not in the mood for this.

„Excuse me!?"
I yell.

„Excuse me what? Your hot as fuck"
A disgusting guy says.

„Hey leave her alone"
Emma protects me and holds my hand.

He sees how our hands are together.

„Aha lesbians, wanna suck my dick you bitch"
He says and shows his tounge.

I suddenly feel a push.

„Fuck off"
Y/n appears and pushes me behind her.

„Who the fuck are you, you whore"
He says.

„Leave them alone or else"
Y/n says with a angry voice she's kinda scary while saying it.

„Else what?"
He chuckles.

„Or else something bad will happen to you"
She says.

„Oh yeah what are you gonna do?"
He says in a goofy voice.

„I will punch you"
She says. All the people in the club watching us.

„oh yeah, why did I touch this girls ass... shes ugly anyways I mean did you look at her like"
He says that and it hurted bad my feelings

„sorry what? Can you say that one more time"
She says in a really scary angry voice now that scared the shit out of me.

„do you have ears? I said-„
Before he wanted to say something a strong fist hits his face and falls on the ground and his nose bleeds"

I yell at her.

„never ever say something like that about her again you fucking asshole!"
She pulls him by his collar and punches him once again and his nose won't stop bleeding.

(a/n: sorry for not posting it sick again my whole head and face hurts, I will try and post more chapters!

Have a good morning/evening/day/night/afternoon!

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