„drunk stray kids"

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Y/n POV:

after I saw Han I was shocked „Han..." I said.

„Hey I saw that Seungmin Minho and Felix are here can I join you guys?" he said friendly

„uhm...okay yeah sure I guess..." I let him come him after he asked friendly so he just walked in I heard happy screams after he saw the others and when I wanted to close the door I hear a scream outside, I looked out.

„Y/NNNN" Emma screams running in the hall to me

„EMMMAAAA" I hug her tightly

„LONG TIME NO SEE-" Emma says but seungmin then cuts her off and says „SEUNGMIN IN THE BULDING" me and Emma turn around to see seungmin and laugh at him, Emma goes introduce her self to the others and walks to Jenna and hugs her tightly.

„WOLF GIRLL!" someone screams at the door, and I immediately knew who it was, the boy who has wolfs pictures in his room
„Please don't tell me the whole members are coming in the room now" chan hugs me.

„Yeah they are actually- but wait did you just call Emma wolf girl?..."  I say confused

„I mean yeah she is Enid the wolf girl" Chan says.

Chan jumps to Emma and hugs her and like they know eachother forever, either hes drunk or he has his 5 minutes.
like I said the whole members actually did come in my room like we stayed at that little table and played uno, and me and Felix actually don't know how to play uno but we played anyways, AND THEN I WON. Oh and we were drunk and we were like for a second outside we needed some fresh air, we played tag and people where starring at us cause we were acting like children.
I took a picture of them, I took a picture of Jenna and they all got tiredd they went back to their room and i even needed to carry Jenna to her room, Emma took the others to their rooms, i carried Jenna on her room and she was mumbling weird things

„I waaantt uuuuuu" Jenna was mumbling
„Put that fingers of your in my pu-" I IMMEDIATELY CUT HER OFF „enough Jenna please go to sleep I'm not in the mood for this and please get off of me" Jenna didn't want to let go off me and I finally pushed her on the bed and I realized she need to put her pjs on. Oh god... „Jenna sweetie please put your pjs on okay?"

„Noooooouuuu" she said
„Jenna please" I said while taking her shoes off.

„Cannn yu put themm on meee immm toooo tired!" she said, I had no choice I putted her pjs on, so first I was unbuttoning her shirt she was just looking at me with that beautiful eyes. So I didn't distract myself from her but then i looked at her after getting her shirt off and let her in a black bra as I got up and put her shirt on a chair

„where are your pjs" I say tiredly

„suitcase" she says in a sleepy voice

I get to her and get on my knees to take her pants off, I was kinda nervous I mean WHO WOULDNT THIS WOMAN IS LIKE SO GORGEOUS, she just looks at me while I unbutton her pants.

She lift's my chin and looks me in my eyes, I blush and she leans in and passionately kisses me and I kiss her back, at that moment I knew I just ruined our friendship.
I stand up and get on top of her and start kissing her neck

after like 2 hours having sex I fell asleep in her arms, we were both nacked.

Next morning

I wake up next to Jenna nacked shocked I gasped, I silently move away from her and put my clothes on and get in my room
I had luck that she didn't woke up. I really ruined our friendship

„I'm not even fucking gay" I spoke to myself falling in my bed, I hop in the shower and put my clean underwear a bra and some baggy pants and a baggy hoodie and put a baseball cap, I putted my Jordan's on and putted some perfume

I go in the lobby to drink a coffee I meet hyunjin there

„Hey hyunjin" I say.

„Oh hey y/n do you want a coffee?" hyunjin says.

„Oh yeah sure thanks" I smile at him.

He gets me a coffee and sits next to me

„Do you have a photo of me with the other drunk?" he giggles.

„Oh yes y'all were so drunk should I post it?" I ask him
„sure" he says


tgaged: @realstraykids

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tgaged: @realstraykids

Caption: istg this drunk kids

@ememyers:they were so chaotic...

    @itss_y/nnn:boy you still drunk

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