break up

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You got your new apartment in New York after 1 month, the fans freaked out how Percy and Jenna are together
You didn't had contact or talked with Jenna since the argument

You're lying down in your bed looking up at the ceiling; lost in the thought. „Should I order out to eat?" you think before hearing banging at your front door.

Flinching you pop up and jog downstairs to your front door. Before swing it open, „what the fuck is your probl-" you stop mid sentence seeing Jenna. Her eyes are red and puffy, looking as if she cried all day and night.

She starts sniffling as soon as she sees you and flies into your embrace. You hug her tightly
Closing the door behind the two of you. „Hey, hey what's wrong? What happend?" you ask concernd.

She looks up at you before looking back down hugging you tighter, „he broke up with me, after I found out he cheated." She said trough broken sobs. Your jaw clenches as you think of that asshole of a guy that she liked so much.

Rubbing her back reassuringly you stayed silent letting her get it all out. You'll deal with him later, for now it's about Jenna. After about 10 minutes passed by the brunettes sobbing stopped and all you could hear was her sniffling. „Come on. Let's go to my room."

After the two of you are in your room sat down. You look at her for a few minutes. „He doesn't deserve you Jenna."
She only fiddles with her finger in response. You reach your Hand up to grab her chin. Making her look at you, „seriously. Your worth so much more sweetheart."

She looks at you trough her puffy eyes „then show me..." she says, her voice hoarse from her previous sobbing. You flinch in confusion and shock at her words. „Take my pain away.. Y/n please."

„Jenna.. I know you're hurt. And this is just a rebound. But you know my feelings for you are real." you say honestly. She leans her frame into yours and you wrap your arms.

„I know, you're right and I'm sorry but it just hurts so much..." she says & you could hear the hurt in her voice. „If we do this." you pause. Knowing it's wrong but you can't say no to her in these circumstances even if she hurted you.

You know might get your feelings hurt again but you don't care. „No, never mind. Come here." she leans over her face only inches away from yours. Closing the gap between you.

A few minutes later one thing you lead to another and Jenna is straddled on your lap. You guys needily making out. Her arms wrapped around your neck and your hand gripped on her waist. „Jenna.." you whisper.

Breaking the kiss slightly she hums in response. „Need you..." you say, hips grinding up into hers. She grins against your lips.
„Then take me."



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