„they are back!"

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Jenna's pov:

After me and y/n showered, I made for her something to eat. While she was eating I got a text.



Heyy it's Chan here, how are you?

Hey Chan,  I'm good:) wbu?

Yeah me too, me Han and changbin are coming to California to do a some model pictures
And maybe we gonna surprise y/n I hope you two got friend again after what happened
and do you know where she lives cause we want to suprise her.

Yeah ofc, her address is  ***********

Thank you so much Jenna! Love you

Love you too🫶🏼

I was happy that her bestfriend wanted to suprise her and ofcourse I will not tell it her.

„Hey babe"
I go to her and sit next to her.

She speaks with full mouth.

„Hey don't speak like that!"
I yell at her cause she's speaking with mouth full.

She apologized.

Suddenly we hear how the door opens what they came that fast..wait no that isn't Chan.

hey bitches!"
Dove comes in with shopping bags.

„Hey, what did you buy?"
Y/n asks.

„Nothing much only clothes"
Dove answers.

„Wanna go out today?"
I ask the two girls.

They said sure but first we stayed at the house a little bit, for Chan Han and changbin so I had a idea. I told dove from the suprise so she cold be fake sick cause if I would be fake sick then she would see that I'm faking being sick I'm bad at lying. So dove was fake being sick, so y/n so lovely and brought medicine and when y/n was away to buy the medicine, me and dove heard a knock and we knew they are here. We opened the door and give them a hug, Chan Han and changbin hided back at the couch so they jump out and suprise her.

„hey im back"
Y/n opens the door and come in the living room.

„I brought-„ „SUPRISEEE!" the three boy jump out and scream suprise.

Y/n runs to the boys and hugs them tightly.

„We missed you too"
Chan says.

We decided to go out and have some fun. We were with Han changbin and Chan at their model thing  and saw how they took pictures. Then we decided to go shopping, well I didn't cause I hate shopping that's like the boring thing ever.

„Hey darling, do you think the cap looks good?"
She asks and the others realized that y/n just called me darling.

„You two are dating?!"
Changbin asks.

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