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After I punched him, someone called the police. ON ME!

I say.

„Y/n what did you do! He's dead"
Emma yells at me.

„Excuse me i protected you two from that thing"
I yell at her back.

„Please guys no arguments now"
Jasmin comes to us and pulls us away from eachother.

I see Jenna sitting on the floor Louis next to her and where is dove.

„Where's dove"
I ask Melissa.

„She's over there with a guy."
Melissa tells me.

„Fuck no!"
I walk to dove and pull her away.

„What's gotten into you, you are a grown woman and can't control yourself"
I say.

„I'm drunkyyy"
She says and acts dumb.

„Guys let's just-„
I cut by a noise and a scream.

„Y/n run away!"
Jenna screams.

I run away fast as I can as the police came in they were running behind me.

I got in the...forest and got lost again, the police were not behind me it was dark. I see a tree and it's kinda familiar, wait a fucking second.

„Yo that's my tree"
I say to myself.

When I was a kid I was lost in the forest for a whole month when be and Jenna played hide and seek, I wrote on the tree a heart with a J in it. This was the forest when I meet Felix. After 20 minutes of waiting in the forest I hear a scream. A scary scream

Suddenly I turn around to see Jenna.

„FUCK! Oh my- you scared the shit out of me"
I scream and saw it was Jenna.

„Sorry where were you?"
She asks.

„In the forest dumbass"
I say.

„the police are gone but wait did you scream?"
She asks.

„Did you hear the scary scream too?!"
I ask.

„yes that's beacuse I asked you."
She says and looks at me and I look back.

„Do you think if we should run?"
I ask.

She yells and we run.


So we're now at my house everyone's gone. Only me and Jenna.

„Do you know the time we played hide and seek and i got lost in the forest."
I laugh.

„Oh my gosh, yes why did you go in the forest?"
She asks.

„That was the best hide."
I answered.

„I cried so much..when you were gone and then I forgot you."
Jenna said.

„Y-you cried about m-me?"
I stuttered cause someone cried about me for the first times.

The brunette says.

I ask.

„cause you were the important person in my life, I always cared about you and now I fell in love with you like dangerously in love."
She says honestly.

„Woah I-„
I don't know what to say and suddenly I feel a weight on my lap, it's Jenna she sits on my lap and looks at me in the eyes.

„I really like you y/n, y/n carpenter"
She looks me in the eyes and says it.

She leans in and kisses me and ofcourse I kiss back cause who wouldn't kiss Jenna Ortega. We make out for 4 minutes and then break.

„Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I ask Jenna.

„I- oh my- Yes! I waited for this moment a long time!"
The brunette tells me.

We kiss and we decided we keep our relationship private cause we don't want now paparazzis at my house and some strange people taking pictures of us or hate.

Next morning

„Morning darling."
I see my Jenna awake, she's smiling. Gosh I love her dimples that cute dimples when she smiles.

„Morning. How did you sleep?"
She asks.

„perfect cause you were with me, and how did you sleep?"
I answer her question and then ask her.

„perfectly having these strong arms around me."
She says and grips my arms and smiles.

„I love your dimples."
I say, she's blushing.

„Why are you blushing?"
I ask and smirk.

„Stop it."
She says and trys to change the subject.

„Make me."
I say.

„I'm gonna go shower."
She stands up and ignoring me and hides her blush.

„Can I join?"
I ask.

„Sure come her."
She answers and I pick her up.

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