„Who are you?"

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Felix took my hand in the Forst and was running somewhere I got scared, is he scared? I really don't know what was happening but then we got out of the forest and he said:

„Hey kid please tell me where you live and then we can bring you to your family back"

I said back:

„I don't have a family my mom died and my dad leaved me but the best friend friend from my mom was looking after me"

Felix was shocked and said:

„Oh my- so you don't know where you live?"

I said „no" then felix got panicked. So he brought me to his home and his family kept me and I grew up with him we got really close and I think I actually fell in love with him. I always talked about him with his sisters rachel and olivia they were really nice and kind and years passed and passed till I was 18 years old I lived with Felix in a house we were like homies he turned 23 he had a group named stray kids they were making kpop music his group sometimes came at our house we decided to live in Korea seoul and I still had a crush on Felix, and even his friends were hot like Han, well he's name was Han...oh he's so hot-

Felix interrupt me from my thoughts

„Hey y/n since you wanted to go to New York we are going there"

I was soooo excited


I runned to hug him tightly, and Felix laughed how excited I was.

He said: „the flights is in 2 hours so get ready-
When Felix wanted to say something then his friend changbin comes in the room running and screams loud


Me and Felix covered our ears cause he was to loud even the neighbors got angry

„Changbin get out and pack your things" Felix said.

„the whole members are going with us or just changbin and you" I said confused

„Well I had no choice and they wanted to" Felix said

„Well the flight will be chaotic..." I said

„it will..." Felix says

2 hours passed and we're on the flight I'm sitting next to Changbin and Han well I didn't thought that it would be peaceful, Han was sleeping well that dude sleeps everywhere and changbin watches a movie and 2 hours passed and I took a picture and posted it on instagram

2 hours passed and we're on the flight I'm sitting next to Changbin and Han well I didn't thought that it would be peaceful, Han was sleeping well that dude sleeps everywhere and changbin watches a movie and 2 hours passed and I took a picture and...

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It actually blew up. I was getting sleepy and I falled asleep on hans shoulder. Then we finally arrived, we got in a hotel and I wanted a room for me alone cause it's more peaceful for me well Bangchan got with Felix a room and changbin with Han, hyunjin with I.n, seungmin with leeknow and I got in my room I unpacked all my things and there was a park so I asked Han if he liked to go with me and he said yes, I camed out my room and Han too I got with him in the elevator and then we got in the lobby as I wanted to open the door a woman ran into me and spilled my coffee that was a similar face to me I was like, who are you?

„Hey you stupid bitch!" I said angry

„y/n please calm down" Han tried to calm me down.

„I'm so sorry I-„ the woman said but i pushed her „excuse me push me again and look what happens!" the woman said

I wanted to punch her but Han took my hand and took me out

„why did you took me!" I said

„What if the police came" Han said

„Your right..." I said

Then we got in the park and we walked talked and he did some poses and I toke pictures from him and then Chan and changbin joined and I made the best picture of them

Then we got in the park and we walked talked and he did some poses and I toke pictures from him and then Chan and changbin joined and I made the best picture of them

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We got the restaurant we eated and then got tired and got to the hotel back and sleeped.

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