I don't know...

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After me and Jenna maked out, we sitted on my bed in a comfortable silent.

„I'm sorry" she turned to me and said.

„Well it broke my heart and...I will take the apology" I said.

„really?" she said

I take her on top of me and kiss her on the lips

„Ofcourse" I said

„let's be just friends? And forget what all happend? Please" she asked

I try to find words cause it really hurted me i thought something serious will happen between us.. „uh yeah sure.."

She hugs me and then I just ask.
„How to fuck did you know where I lived?"

„I asked Felix, are you missing them?" she asks me about my big friendgroup

„Yeah..." I really miss them.

„Hey you don't have to be sad. I'm here for you" Jenna says.

„You right I guess" I mumble.

„HEYYY BITCHES!" dove comes in the room. And sees Jenna on top of me sitting (a/n: our bestfriend is dove Cameron you meet with her when you were a camera woman for Descendants)
Jenna quickly gets away from me.

„Since when the fuck do you have a girlfriend but first let's hug" she says while running to me to hug me

„she- we just hugged and I MISSED YOU DOVE!!!" i hug her and cry into her arms.

„I DIDNT SEE YOU LIKE 3 MONTHS" we both cry.

„Where's my husband?" she says while chewing gum.

„Oh...he's in Korea" i say, she's talking about leeknow. Dove has a huge crush on leeknow.

„OH MY- WHAT HAPPEND?" she asks.

„I'll tell you later." I say

„Oh and guess what I got a job" I say

„I got a role..." she says

„Please don't tell me we are on the same set..." I say

„SCREAM 7" we both say


„shit I think I have my period" dove says.

Me and Jenna laughed, Jenna cooked for us and then we sleeped. Jenna was is in the guest room.

And dove was in the other guest room.

Next morning

8th of February 2024
I.ns birthday!

5 am in the morning

I woke up and see on the date.

„8th of February...FUCK THE FIRST DAY OF SET ITS IN 30 MINUTES" I quickly run the bathroom to get ready.

„SHIT EVEN JEONGINS BIRTHDAY" I brush my teeth and put some clothes on.

„WAKE UPP" I scream while running downstairs and see dove and Jenna in the living room all ready.

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