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Y/ns pov:

After jungkook kissed me, I kissed back
We kissed for 10 seconds and then break the kiss and look at eachother

„Sorry but I can't..." I say

„No I'm sorry I totally understand" he said.

„Let's just go back okay?" he says

I nod and walk downstairs and we exit the cafe and walk to my car and I drive back to the hotel

I decided to live here and take an apartment. But first I need to talk with Felix

I text him to meet me outside

„Hey" he said

„Hey" I said back

„Felix I decided to live here" I said

„What- so you're leaving our apartment in seoul" he said

„Yes i wanna be a cameraman for movies" I said.

„oh...okay i guess...do you have money?" he asks me.

„Yes" I answer

„Okay, our flight is in 2 days cause me and my members need to go back to Korea cause of the 3rd world tour and our new comeback, we need to work and like this" he says

„Okay you're already going?" I ask

„Yes sorry we wanted to be here for one more week but we can't" he said

„Okay..." I say.

I see changbin running to me and hugs me tightly.

„Changbin I can't breath-„ I said

„Oh yes sorry, and I'm so sorry what Jenna did" he said almost crying

„yeah I don't wanna know about Jenna right now..." I say

I walk with changbin in the hotel and go downstairs to play basketball. There is a big basketball court down in the hotel
We played basketball for 1 hour and much fun

He was almost only losing

„Short" I said to him

„Shut up!" he says angril.

We got upstairs to the lobby and we see...Jenna with Percy and her Wednesday cast, I see Jenna sitting on Percy's lap,

Me and Jenna make eye contact and I look away.

„Oh he will regret it!" Changbin getting angry and walking to Percy.

„Changbin no!" I scream at him

He starts arguing with Percy
„Hey you broke my bestfriends heart!"

„Who cares about your bestfriend" Percy said

Changbin punched him in the nose and everyone standed up and then luckily Han came and took him away from them.

„Fuck" I run to them

Percy looked so angry

Han took changbin in an room there were comfy seats

„Guys I'm sorry for that" I say

„But you didn't do anything" changbin says

„Y/N just go to your room and rest I'm gonna take care of changbin" han says

„If you say so...okay goodbye"

Han and changbin said then goodbye back and I run to my room I see Jenna.
„y/n let me explain" she said

„No there's nothing to explain, you and Percy are together" I say of anger and slam my door in her face

Ughh I'm so sleepy right now...
Suddenly my phone starts ringing

„Hello?" I say

„Is this y/n  y/l/n?"

„Yes I'm y/n, why"

„Would you like to be a cameraman for the scream movie VII?"

„Oh my god! I would love to"

„okay we will sent you where it is and when it is"

„Thank so much"

After the call I jump up and down


(a/n: im so sorry for not making any chapters i broke my hand and I can't write I just can write with one hand, I hope you liked the chapter

Have a good day/night/evening/morning!

Thanks for reading!)

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