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WARNINGS: screaming, big argument.

A/n: heyyy my fellas, long time no new chapter. I was Mega Stress, has an surgery on my foot, was in the hospital. and enjoy the new chapterrrr....


OH AND BTW, this chapter will be sad, so put your sad playlist.

march 18th 2024
8:00 AM


it's been 1 month since me and Jenna got together, well it's been really stressful for us filming scream 7. well not me, I'm filming and Jenna's acting. I've been doing a good job, but I kinda miss filming stray kids music viedos and other kpop groups.
Me and jenna currently eating breakfast and then going to the filming thing.


We arrived and I see dove. „Hey bitch!" she says hugging me.
„How are you?" she asks me. We didn't meet and we didn't talk much since we've been stressful.

„I'm good, just really stressed, what about you?"
I say pulling from the hug away and sit on a bench.

„Yeah yeah good, I've meet someone handsome."
She speaks. As she sits next to me.

„you need to show him!"
I say excited.

She shows me a picture of him... and he's pretty ugly, this girl always had a bad taste in men. „Dude ew.." I mumble.
„He's handsome and soooooo cute." she says dragging the O.

After filming 7 scenes we stopped. Jasmin suggested going to a party. Great. Me and Jenna go home and get ready.

Jenna speaks.

„yes my darling?"
I ask and get up from the couch to hold her from behind.

„Do you still love me?"
my girl asks, didnt expect such a question. Like I'm in love with her. We said our first I love you's on a aquarium date after I bought her a turtle plushy. She's obsessed with turtles, it's weird but adorable. She said the first I love you, I thought I would say the first i love you but Jenna said it first.

„Why are you asking such a question Cara Mia? Ofcourse I still love you, your my world to me.
I say as I kiss her cheek.

„You've just been so distantly from me."
She tells me.

„Jenna weve been really stressed and I will admit that i do that cause I don't wanna interrupt you and I want you to focus on the acting." I say to her as I pick her up and put her on the kitchen counter."

She simply says.

„Come one we're late for the stupid party."
I tell her as I get her purse and give it to her.

Jennas pov:

We're at the party, y/n and me got quickly drunk. We're grinding on eachother as we're dancing to a Spanish song, her dancing moves are quiet nice. Didn't know she can dance. We stopped dancing and she went somewhere cause she was a old friend of hers. I walked to Melissa who's talking to dove And Mason.


I got really worried cause I didn't saw y/n anywhere. I asked Melissa to help me find her, and then i finally found her. Grinding on a girl and kissing her roughly. My heart skipped a beat and i thought i was insane and maybe its not her, but it was her...

I runned to my car and drove away, I'm not drunk anymore and I can drive. I was really tired of crying, I got home and jumped on my and y/ns bed. We moved in together and we lived together happily but now not anymore.

( next morning )


for some reason I got strongly drunk and cheated on her, I really didn't want to. I thought it was Jenna, my vision was all blurry of drinking and dancing. And I didn't see if it's Jenna. And she obviously found out and well, she's a beast. I go find her to our house, I slept at doves cause Jenna didn't let me in. So I found her after texting me and I see her throwing all my stuff out of the window, she hates me now and screams.

She says red with anger, throwing my stuff through the window. She's making a scene and everyone on the street stops to watch. I watch her quietly and the she turn around to me.

She screams, not even caring that everyone could hear her. She throwing my stuff and starts coming closer to me, she seems mad with tears on her eyes, her hands curled into fists.

„Woah woah please calm down."
I tell her to calm down but it gets worse, I hate seeing her like that. She grabs me, not hurting me, but she grabs me to make sure I listen.

„Why would i calm down? You cheated on me! You did! and you're asking me to calm down?! Are you braindead?"
She yells.

„No baby please I can explain please!"
I beg so she listens to me cause I didn't do it on purpose.

„Explain what? Can you say anything to make me forgive you?"
She asks, still keeping you tight on her grasps, but still nor hurting you.

„Lets just calm down yeah?"
I say. Fear in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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