„Im sorry"

65 3 2

30. January 2024


After I posted it, me and hyunjin were starving and eated breakfast.

„So what will you do today?" hyunjin asks me.

„I don't know maybe I will meet up with walker scobell and Ariana greenblatt and maybe Emma will come with us, we will go to the cinema."

„Without Jenna?"

„Well something happened between us yesterday but I don't think if I really wanna talk about it..."

Hyunjin puts his hand on mine „hey it's okay I completely understand it"
He smiles at me.

And then we see Minho and Jenna are coming to us
„shit..." I whisper.

„Hey guys" Jenna says. And looks at me with a weird mix sad and angry expression.
They sit with us at the table.
„이 둘 사이에 무슨 일이 일어났는지 알아?" hyunjin asks Lee know.
(do you know what happends between these two?)

Minho shakes his head to a no.

„야 난 널 이해해!" I say angry to hyunjin and kicking his leg
(hey i understand you!)

„You speak Korean?" Jenna asks me.

„Oh yeah she's fluent in korean she learned it with Felix" Minho says

„What kind of language you speak?" Jenna asks me.

„Uhhh German, Italian, and Spanish and a little bit France" I say with food in my mouth

„hey don't speak with mouth full!" Jenna says to me angry.
And Minho and hyunjin laugh

After breakfast I talk to Jenna.
„Hey im sorry, and I know that saying sorry will not help" i apologize to her.

„No I'm sorry I was drunk I- I don't know what gotten in to me last night...but you really ignored me after having sex with me?!" she says.

„that would be weird if you would see me naked next you" I say.

Emma appears

„Yo is Jenna coming with us?" Emma asks.
„do you want to come with us?" i ask Jenna.
„Sure" she nods.

I told them to get in my car. And I pick up walker and Ariana first we're going to eat then to the cinema and maybe at Ariana's apartment. I parked my car and got in the train for fun

Ariana makes some pose and took pictures and I saw how walker looks at Ariana.

„why is Wally blushing? Are you in love with Ariana?" I tease him

„what!? No shut up" He blushes hard and we laugh at him. We got at the cinema and watched millers girl, took some pictures
And got at Ariana's apartment and we were so exhausted.

„So do you like someone" I ask Jenna.

„Hmmm...maybe" she looks me flirty

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