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Over the next few days, both Wonwoo and Mingyu stayed an hour after school to help Mr. Choi with grading.

Wonwoo stayed for the hopeful benefit that would come from helping Mr. Choi.

And Mingyu - well, honestly, Wonwoo didn't care why Mingyu stayed after.

"Study room again?" Mingyu teased after the hour was up.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Wonwoo said as he grabbed his bag, but before he could get out the door, Mingyu called out to him.

"You know, Seungcheol is throwing a party tonight. You should come." Mingyu suggested as Wonwoo turned to look at him.

"Absoulety not." Wonwoo said bluntly as he walked out of the classroom towards the exit.

Sure, he wasn't going to the study room tonight, but Jun's instead. But Mingyu didn't need to know that.

"You got invited to Seungcheol's party?!" Hoshi said, nearly throwing his textbook at the younger's head.

"Yeah and?" Wonwoo asked, not bothering to look up from his notes.

"And you chose to come here?! Or not bother to give us the invitation?!" Hoshi pointed out. "I would die to go to one of his parties." He added.

"Hoshi, you rather do anything but study." Woozi pointed out.

"That's because studying is tough." Hoshi fake cried.

"And you're tough too." Woozi patted the others' cheek. "You got this come on." He smiled.

Wonwoo couldn't help but chuckle at how red Hoshi's face got after that.

"But he's got a point Woo, you should've accepted his offer. You can't spend the rest of your life with your nose in a book." Jun said, playfully nudging the other.

"You only want me to go so I can introduce you to Minghao." Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he lightly hit Jun's head with his pencil.

"And I rather be caught dead than go to a party as Kim's plus one." Wonwoo added.

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