Chapter 5

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****Sabrina's P.O.V.****

When we finally got to the hospital and wheeled Bradley out of the ambulance, I ran out of the ambulance and into the entrance,with Bradley and the paramedics right in front of me. I gained a few strange looks from people and a few sympathetic ones from others. I ran straight to the receptionist as the paramedics rushed Bradley to his room, one handing the receptionist the folder with all of Bradley's information on it.

The receptionist was on the phone, and lifted her pointer finger to me as if to say "wait a minute" as I chewed on my bottom lip, glancing down the long, white hallway. Bradley. Bradley. Bradley.

"Alright, what do you need, Hun?" She receptionist asked me while chewing her gum loudly and annoyingly.

"Bradley Perry's room number, please," I said anxiously.

She glanced down at the file the paramedics gave her, before looking back up at me with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry, but we have to keep that information private since Mr. Perry is semi-famous. So, unless you are family, I am going to have to ask you to take a seat in the waiting room."

"How would a fan be able to come her that quick after he literally JUST got here one minute ago? Hmm? Plus, in case you haven't noticed, I'm semi-famous, too, and if yo-" I said, being interrupted at the end.

"She's family."

I turned around and saw Bradley's mom right in front of me. I mentally high-fived myself for calling her while I was in the ambulance. I slightly smiled when I saw her and she sent back a sad smile.

"And you are?" The snobby receptionist asked, quite rudely if I do say so myself.

"Bradley's mother." Mrs. Perry replied.

The receptionist sighed and started typing away on her computer.

"Room 407," she said with a bored expression.

That's all we needed to hear before we ran to the elevator and stepped inside, pushing the button labeled "Floor 4"

The ride seemed all too long, and I was getting really anxious to find out how Bradley is doing. I quickly whipped out my phone and texted the gang, telling them what happened and why Bradley and I weren't there.

By the time I finished, the doors were open and Mrs. Perry was already running out the door. I followed her lead until we reached his door. We were about to walk inside when a doctor came over to us and said he wasn't stable yet, so he wasn't in the right condition for visitors. We both nodded as a response and sat down on the chairs outside of the door.

We were just sitting in the chairs until I remembered I forgot to text Emille. You're probably wondering who Emille is and why I haven't mentioned her yet. Well, Emille is Bradley and I's childhood friend. We were inseparable when we were little, but when Emille moved, we kind of lost touch. But when my mom gave me a new phone, she gave me Emille's number so we could contact each other again. I had completely forgotten about it until now.

I texted Emille what happened and asked if she could come and she said she would be over as soon as possible.

No less than 7 minutes later, Emille came running to us and enveloped me in a hug. I hugged her back just as tightly and we parted. I looked at her and I must say, puberty took it easy on her.

She had gorgeous wavy brown hair that flowed effortlessly to her waist. She had a clear complexion, sparkling blue eyes and an hourglass figure. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Wow, you look great, Bri! I've missed you and Brads so much, you don't even know," she said, flashing me a white smile.

"Thanks, you look amazing as well! I love your top, you have to let me borrow it sometime! And I've missed you too!" I replied, smiling back at her.

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