Chapter 21

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****Bradley's P.O.V.****

I heard my phone buzz against the wall, still in its exact spot from when I threw it. I picked it up and barely made out through the shattered screen the message.

Emille😆- SOS. Come to the hospital fast, Sabrina needs you.

As soon as I saw the words 'hospital' and 'Sabrina' in the same sentence, I was already running out the door and unlocking my car with the automatic key. I sprinted into the garage through the house, opening the automatic door with my beeper and getting in my car.

I sped out of the driveway and to the hospital, not wasting any time. I arrived at the hospital and pulled into the parking lot, already taking my seatbelt off.

I found a spot and was getting out of the car before it even came to a complete stop. I pushed the gear into park and slammed my door shut behind me, locking the doors as I ran into the emergency room entrance. I went to the front desk and asked for Sabrina Carpenters room number, and they gave it to me without a question. She probably recognized me from last time.

I sprinted to the stairs, knowing how long the elevator takes, and ran all the way up to the 6th floor. I pushed through the heavy steel door and ran all the way down the hallway, glancing at all of the room numbers. 617... 618... 619... Ah, 620! I sat down in one of the chairs beside the door and sat there, panting heavily. You think baseball would've prepared me better for this.

I then saw Emille coming out of Sabrina's room, tears streaming down her face. I got up from the chair and enveloped her in a hug. She tensed up at first, but then relaxed and hugged me back when she realized it was just me.

"How's she holding up?" I asked Emille, rubbing her back.

"They said she is pretty stable, but they are only allowing family and family friends at the moment. No boyfriends." She said, frowning at me.

She must not know about the breakup yet.

"Well, that's the first good thing that has come out of this breakup." I muttered under my breath, but I think she heard because she looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

"Why? What? When? Where? Who?" She asked, confusion written all over her facial features.

"Well, her dad walked in on us making out, and my shirt may or may not have been across the room, and she may or may not have been straddling me on top of her bed with my hands up her shirt. Her dad yelled at her and said that she was too young to know what love was. She yelled back, and then I told her that I didn't want to be the reason her family was having problems, so I told her it was best if we broke up. And let me just tell you, not a second has passed that I haven't regretted that decision."

She just looked at me and slapped me across the face.

"What was that for?" I asked, holding my cheek.

"For you being so clueless. You weren't the cause of her problems with her dad. I mean, have you even listened to any of the songs on her album? They all mention being in love or hint at it, and one of the songs is called TOO YOUNG. Have you seriously not paid any attention to any of her interviews? She is always saying that she hates how people say teenagers are too young to fall in love. She wasn't yelling at her dad because of you, it was because he mentioned one of her biggest pet peeves. Saying that she was too young to know what love is."

Just then, realization hit me.

"Oh my god, I'm even more stupid than I thought," I thought out loud.

"Yeah you are. And you are going to apologize to Sabrina for not standing up for the fact that she was too young to fall in love. Then, you will become her friend. Which is a hell of a lot better than what you are right now."

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