Chapter 1

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  Yu Sifeng lay on the cold ground as his blood seeped from his body. They said when death comes a person's life flashes before his eyes.

  He turned his gaze, and met the emperor's cold, and unwavering gaze.

Wow.... Is this how it ends?

After being framed by people, bullied, and humiliated. He watched, and said nothing.

  There was a saying that, the tongue was the most powerful weapon.

  Yu Sifeng couldn't protect himself even with his tongue.

But, it was all his fault. If he hadn't made his way into the palace, would he have ended up here.

How I wish he'd known.

He was someone who never caused trouble, and was easygoing, and calm. But, he was too naive.

  To think that someone like the emperor was going to love him was a distant dream.

  As he turned to look at the still standing emperor that was holding the cold steel laced with his blood, he felt a sense of victory.

  At least he'd escaped his cold fate. One would think that being a consort was living a life of luxury, but it wasn't for Yu Sifeng.

  He was more fragile than a flower, and would break at the slightest touch. He was more timid than a mouse, and would scurry away from problems like a baby squirrel.

  Accompanied with his low self-esteem was the poverty he'd buried himself in.

  He had no maids or anyone to cater for him. All the people he loves were killed before him, and he couldn't raise a finger.

  He was obedient, and meek, and because he loved the emperor so much, he didn't realize the hatred the emperor had for him.

  He tried his very best to please the emperor, but the emperor didn't seem to notice.
  He wasn't to blame for this.

  They all blamed him for being stupid, and naive, but where were they when he wanted to take his first step?

  Who told him to keep on going?

Who told him to be patient?

Who told him to be determined, and strive on to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

  Who comforted him in his hardest times?

Who made him feel he was something more than what he thought he was?

Who made him feel like he was worth something.

No one. No one was there for him. The emperor married the youngest, and most loved of the commander's children, Yu Sifeng.

He was kind, and lovely, but he was framed for mischievous acts. Why couldn't it have been a anyone else?

But, it made him feel a tinge in his heart when he realized he shouldn't have loved the emperor.

  The emperor killed him with his own hands, and without batting an eyelid.

  As he stared at the scenery of the sunset. He felt like, he could finally rest in peace.

  He was framed, and humiliated, and he was inexperienced.

It wasn't at all his fault, was it?

But, somehow all the fingers were pointing straight at him.

Life isn't fair, is it?

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