Chapter 13

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  Previously on When Hatred Becomes Compulsory.....

"I want you to drug the emperor."


"You wouldn't dare."


"It's the fuckin' Yu."


"I'll show him the stuff I'm made of."


   "Your Majesty, emperor Lu Han III requests an audience with you," Han Jun's personal bodyguard, Jiang Feng said to the emperor.

Han Jun raised his head from the scroll he was reading and looked at the bodyguard with boredom in his eyes.


"As soon as he returns from his..... Something called 'vacation'?" Jiang Feng shrugged.

Who knew emperors took vacations?

"I'm gonna die of boredom if I don't get out of here," Han Jun said as he walked out of the room with Jiang Feng in tow.

As they strolled through the vast sea of lovely flowers, a man in tattered clothes with another young man around his late teens came to a stop in front of the emperor.

"Oh. You're here," the emperor said without emotions visible on his jade like features.

"Please spare him. He doesn't know anything," the man pleaded.

"Yeah I sure will," Han Jun replied and sent the man away leaving the young man.

"I'd like to speak with imperial consort Yu. Tell him to meet me at the cherry creek," Han Jun said to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng left immediately and left the young man with the emperor. "What's your name?"

The young man didn't answer, and just kept looking at the emperor.
The emperor almost snapped, but he kept his cool.

"Wait a minute," he said when he spotted Yu Sifeng and Jiang Feng walking to the Cherry Creek.

He turned to the direction of the Cherry Creek and walked towards it.
"Let us be," he said to Jiang Feng. "Keep an eye out for him," he added, and Jiang Feng left.

"Your Majesty," Yu Sifeng bowed a little, and the emperor nodded.

"Long time no see, imperial consort Yu. I'll go straight to the point," Han Jun said and shook his wide imperial sleeves.

"Indeed," he replied and bowed again. "To what honor do I grace your presence?"

"Take a consort under your tutelage. I know you're very troublesome, and you not doing anything means you are planning something big," Han Jun said and placed his hands behind him.

"If His Majesty has come to reprimand me then I must comment that His Majesty's really free these days," Sifeng replied.

The emperor was speechless for a second before regaining his composure. "I've got a new consort. He's the second male consort of my harem. So, I want you to teach him the ways of a male consort."

"Excuse me Your Majesty, but I don't know how to be a lovely, gentle consort. Aren't you afraid of me teaching him devious means to kill a crown prince, or something?"

  "You're taking the crown prince in. No more no less. Get your act together!!" He said and left.

"How dare he," Yu Sifeng mumbled before following Han Jun to where the young man was.

"Greetings, I'm imperial consort Yu. Nice to meet you. I'll be training you the ways of being a respectful consort. Are you ready for the drill?" Sifeng asked as soon as he saw the young man.

The man nodded, and Han Jun was pleased. He watched their retreating backs with a little smile hanging down his face.

Now all that remained was to take the crown prince out of the empress's roof. Ha.... The little guy was suffering.

With Sifeng....

  Sifeng led the young man through a path filled with flowers and they stopped in front of a building.

"Welcome home," he said as he pushed open the doors. "I'll see you in a while."

He returned to his chambers and released imperial noble consort Liang Ting.

Little Theater......

  Sifeng: How would you like your own mansion?

Yu Tian: If I never liked you, I'd have spat straight at your damned face.

Sifeng: Don't be a wuss. I'll be traveling to space as early as.... Right now, and I just asked what you wanted for your birthday.

Yu Tian (screams): What I want for my birthday is that you should stop bothering me. Ever since mom died, you turned into a mom. Get a grip, man!

Sifeng: Well I don't care.

Yu Tian: You shouldn't. Now I want you to send a thousand pounds, a thousand euros, and a thousand yuan to my account. That should make up for your absence on my birthday.

Sifeng (sweat drops): I wanted to buy you a mansion.

Yu Tian: Well what are you waiting for. Oh, you mean that old dump grandma left us. You want to buy it from her silly daughter at a rate of six thousand dollars?

Sifeng: ?????

Yu Tian: Hell No!!!

Sifeng (leaves the room): You're impossible to please.

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