Chapter 12

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Previously on When Hatred Becomes Compulsory.....


  "Are you afraid of the dark?"


"I'm cancelling it. I don't want to feel dirty."


"It's not like i've come to befriend you."

"What do you want?"

"I need something from you...."


"You're a mighty empress. What do you want from me?" Yu Sifeng raised an eyebrow with sarcasm.

"Hmph.... i'ma freaking empress. Right beside the damn emperor, you dimwit. Now, you have to obey me, since i'm the empress," the empress said with arrogance.

"What in the world do you want from me?"

"Hmmmphp....." he chuckled loudly. "The world? I didn't think you'd be this dumb."

Sifeng raised his eyebrow in annoyance. "You really want help from me?"

"Hmm... yes.... this is it. I know you can't refuse this offer. Your mother, I know is a renowned physician, or should I say.... magician?"

"Whatever," Sifeng rolled his eyes.

"Hmmm.... you succeeded your mother. As everyone knows, I've been the empress for a year now, and I have no child. Although, I'm taking care of the late empress's."

Sifeng nodded in understanding. He really wanted to know what this s** of a b**** was planning.

"Hmmm... You'll create a potion that'll be given to the emperor."

"You want me to drug him?" Sifeng asked nonchalantly.

"Yes. That's so right."

"What if I refuse?"

"You wouldn't dare," the empress replied threateningly.

"I dare alright, and even if you kill the crown prince... Tsk... Tsk... Tsk. I wouldn't hesitate to destroy your reputation," Sifeng replied without emotion in his voice.

The empress raised an eyebrow at that. "Destroy my reputation? I dare you. Do you think that disgusting shit of an emperor is going to believe you?!!

Well lemme warn you, imbecile. I have the lead in this game of chess, and I'll eventually conquer you. Mark my words!!" The empress left with anger seeping out of his body.

He kicked open his chambers, and started destroying every object he came in contact with. His personal maid, Li Yi was very worried, and decided to ask what the matter was.

"It's the fuckin' Yu!" He screamed like a madman, and threw a pillow across the room.

"Calm down, Your Majesty," Li Yi consoled.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Calm down!!!! You fuckin' piece of shit!!! How dare he go against my orders. Oh I'll show him the kind of stuff I'm made of. AAAAAAAAA," he screamed angrily.

And the light goes OFF.....

Hello guys.... I'm back from my... Little break, MISSED ME?!  Well I missed you guys, alright.

How was the chapter? I appreciate everyone's support even though I didn't thank many of you personally for voting, adding this book to your reading list, reading, commenting... Blah Blah Blah Blah.

I'm thanking from the button of my heart. If I didn't hate yellow, I'd have given you a thumbs up.

I decided to add a little drama at the end of each chapter. What do you think?

The drama will be a quite short one. Shall we start ???.... Here we go

Yu Sifeng vs. Empress dowager

Yu Sifeng: Empress dowager... An honor to meet you. I'm glad death didn't come to you earlier.

Empress dowager (frowns): What do you mean, idiot?

Sifeng (chuckles): Nah. Well... I'm here, because of the empress.

Empress dowager: What? What about him?

Sifeng: That bitch actually asked me to drug your fuckin' grandson.

Empress dowager (mumbles) : Fuck me if I know why.

Sifeng (raised an eyebrow): You're too old for a young man like me.

Empress dowager (angrily): You son of a bitch!!!!

Sifeng (runs away): HAHAHA... You old bitch. You can't catch me!!!!

That's not part of the story. Thanks for reading.

Luv Ya all!!


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