Chapter 7

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  "Welcome... My beloved partner in crime!" Sifeng beamed enthusiastically.

"Partner in crime?" Liang Ting raised an eyebrow.

Sifeng smiled smugly, and squinted his eyes at her.

"I see you're not all dressed up like you used to."

  Liang Ting smothered the urge to punch Sifeng, and put on a strained smile. In her opinion, Sifeng was a fool, and there was a saying "talking to a fool is like killing a housefly on your face. You kill it or not, you end up slapping yourself."

  She didn't want that to happen to her; however, she was stubborn to the core.

Anger hunted her to her very last pitiful brain cell. Her optic nerve was twitching as she watched Sifeng's lips stretch into an enormous smile.

"Let's get to work!"

  She followed him into a room that was more like a dungeon. The place was dimly lit, and reeked of herbs.

  "Where's this?" She asked.

"Where do you think I found blueberry?"

"So, you intentionally put those berries in the emperor's tea?" She asked curiously.

"I prepared the tea for myself. It was actually blackberry. He came in, and gobbled down my hard work, and I couldn't let it slide. So, I poured two cups of tea. One of blackberry, and one of blueberry," he deadpanned.

  Liang Ting's jaw dropped. She could never do such a thing, but she wanted to shine too, so she caught up with Sifeng.

  She smiled childishly, and said, "So, I'm guessing you actually made four cups of tea. You switched both two when the emperor asked you to taste it, and then you switched it back. However, you knew the emperor mightn't let you go easily, so you placed a blueberry muffin in his plate instead of a chocolate muffin.

With that, you could excuse yourself without raising any suspicion. I'm sure when the emperor was struggling to breath, you must've hid behind something, and laughed your head off. "

  Sifeng smiled happily, and trudged on. They got to another room that was filled with herbal mixtures. A black cat jumped from the beautiful shelves piled with countless bowls of deadly poisons.

  "That's Gardenia. My favorite baby! Come to daddy!" He yelled at the black cat.

The cat jumped on him, and clung to him. It's blood filled ruby like eyes shone like the moon during an eclipse.

It clung tighter to Sifeng, and he smiled helplessly as he rubbed the cat's little head.

"So, we are making a plan," he finally said much to Liang Ting's surprise.

"We're making a move on the emperor, aren't we?" She asked with immense curiosity filling her blue eyes.

  "No we are not making any move. It's the ultimate move. This move is gonna change everything forever!" He passed a bubbly green looking liquid to her.

"What's this disgusting stuff of a liquid.....?"


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