Chapter 3: Horrors Of House Dimitrescu/ Bad Dream

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(While the night continued on.. both Joshua and Cass were sleeping together but tonight was not going to be a pleasant one)

(As Joshua woke up he scans the room and at first everything seemed normal but something was off the second he looked beside him.. he notices that the raven haired woman was not with him.. he gets out of bed an begins searching for her throughout the castle and as he exits the room and looks around he bumps into Alcina)

Alcina: Well.. well.. well.. what do we have here?

Joshua: A-alcina.. boy am I glad to see you.. wait.. w-why're you extending your claws

Alcina: Time to die man thing!

(Alcina swipes her claws, Joshua narrowly misses and begins to run with the tall woman behind)

Alcina: You can't escape from the dragon's claws!!!

Joshua: Oh shit!.. I need to hide somewhere so that she can't find me

(As big as the castle was there were a ton of hiding places.. as Joshua entered the wine room he finds an opening an hides behind and as soon as he hides.. Alcina bursts through the door scanning the room)

Alcina: Come out now man thing.. I promise I won't hurt you.. yet (Chuckles deviously) oh man thing.. where are you hiding?.. it won't be long till I find you

(As Joshua remained quiet Alcina gave up and exits the room her footsteps dissipated indicating that she went somewhere else to look...not hearing the womans footsteps he leaves the room and continues his search for Cassandra and her sisters...while exploring the castle avoiding Alcina the man makes his way to the foyer and just when he thought he was safe Alcina appears again)

Alcina: There you are little man.. you thought you could escape me! (Extends her claws and swipes)

(Alcina swipes her claws again and misses)

Alcina: Such a nimble little mouse

(The man runs away)

Alcina: Run while you can man thing!.. you won't live long even if you run!

(Running for his life the man quickly escapes the woman again by going down into the dungeon where she can't follow)

Joshua: I-I think I lost her.. shit.. I-I don't know why she's trying to kill me.. hopefully I can find Cassandra and her sisters.. hopefully they won't turn on me

(While Joshua explores the dungeon he finds a flashlight.. and in one of the cells he finds a note containing information he looks at the name "Moroaică's" an sees pictures of the creatures)

Joshua: Moroaica's.. never seen these before.. god I hope I don't encounter them

(As the man continued exploring walking through pools of blood a creature with ragged clothes, a deformed body and a scythe along with sharp teeth rises and sluggishly walks towards him, soon others awoke and were coming after him as well making ragged hissing sounds.. with no means of fighting them the only option was to run an hope they don't follow...after a few minutes Joshua quickly evaded the Moroaica's and enters another part of the dungeon and hears voices and it sounded like Cassandra and her sisters... as he approached the area it had torture chairs and other hideous devices.. and to his horror he see's the girls munching on a fresh body slicing an tearing it to pieces.. the girls haven't noticed him yet but by accidentally stepping on a piece of glass shattering it the voracious women turned to face the man with blood covered mouths)

Bela: Well.. well.. well sisters.. look what we have here (Giggles)

Cassandra: Another human ready for the slaughter! (Giggles)

Daniela: I bet he tastes delicious! (Giggles psychotically)

Joshua: Oh shit.. not you three

Bela: Hmm. we've never seen you before.. you must be the new main dish (Giggles)

Joshua: M-main dish?

Cassandra: Your going to be our new meal (Laughs) that is if you can successfully hide from us

Joshua: Y-you think this is a game?

Daniela: Playing games (Giggles) ooh.. how about hide and seek(Smiles deviously)

Joshua: What the fuck is wrong with you three?

Bela: We'll give you head a start and you better hide before we find you (Giggles)

(The girls started counting giving the man a head start

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(The girls started counting giving the man a head start...while the psychotic daughters were counting Joshua found a spot in the dungeon he quickly hides in one of the barrels.. soon after he hears cell doors closing and buzzing nearby indicating that the girls were looking for him)

Cassandra: Oh man thing.. where are you?.. it won't be long till we find you hahaha!

Bela: Come out.. come out.. wherever you are 

Daniela: Oh don't worry man thing.. we just want to eat you that's all (Giggles)

(The girls giggled an laughed psychotically while searching for the man...after some time the buzzing stopped.. Joshua gets out of the barrel and continues wandering the castle while evading the ladies.. he goes back to the spot where the girls previously were and looks around the area.. disgusted by what he was seeing.. he vomits seeing at the tons of dead bodies.. but suddenly the girls reappeared catching him off guard making him jump back.. with nowhere to run, the killer women surround him and began feasting on his body eating him alive as he screamed...soon after he was awoken by Cassandra who was extremely worried as the man was panting an breathing heavily)

Cassandra: Joshua.. a-are you ok.. w-what happened? (Spoke in concerned tone)

Joshua: I-I.. I had a bad dream

Cassandra: Shh.. shh.. take it easy darling.. take slow an deep breath's

(The man listens to her, inhaling and exhaling slowly back an forth)

Cassandra: Now tell me.. what was this bad dream that made you scream? (Holds the man's hands in hers)

Joshua: I-it was.. you an your family

Cassandra: What?.. what do you mean?.. please tell me everything from the beginning

Joshua: O-ok.. w-where do I begin

Cassandra: Take your time.. it's ok.. I'm here for you (Gently clenches the mans hands)

(As Joshua began explaining Cassandra listens)

(Small Time Jump)

Joshua: An then.. you an your sisters k-killed me.. you were eating me alive and I screamed in pain.. but then you woke me up.. and I realized that it was only a nightmare

Cassandra: Oh my god.. I-I am so sorry you went through that.. I can't imagine what you must be feeling after enduring that awful dream

Joshua: I-it felt so real

Cassandra: Sweetie look at me (Cups the mans face as he looked at her) I assure you that me an my family would never kill you, what you saw was only a nightmare.. nothing more.. I promise you from the bottom of my heart that me an my sisters would never dream of killing you.. we've grown fond of you and we would never.. and I mean never do anything to hurt you.. not even me.. and I must are the first man thing we've ever liked.. usually we don't warm up to others so easily.. but you have grown on me an my family so quickly that me an my sisters took a liking to you almost instantly.. you are the most kind hearted human we've met in our entire lives.. and we are happy that you came to us(Smiles)now please let us go back to sleep ok.. and don't worry.. I'm here with you incase you encounter another nightmare

Joshua: Thank you Cassie

Cassandra: Your welcome dear (Smiles)

(The two smiled each other as Cassandra snuggles with the man in the pretzel position putting her head on the mans chest wrapping an arm around him as she and him went back to sleep)

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