Chapter 26: Village Attack/Prisoner Escape

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(After narrowly escaping elimination from Chris Redfield, Mia and Ethan were saved by mother Miranda herself.. though both Ethan and Miranda tried to reason with Chris.. to no avail no negotiation couldn't be settled.. so now it's war and Chris is up to something that will surely get Miranda's attention as he soon sets eyes upon nearby villages.. though with no choice Chris makes a barbaric move)

(As night continued on with Chris failing to eliminate the two parents and mother Miranda.. Chris does the unthinkable)

Chris: Seargent 

Seargent: Yes sir

Chris: It would seem that Ethan and Mia have made their choice...those two have chosen the wrong side.. they sided with Miranda and her freakshow...I didn't wanna have to do this but they leave me with no other option...send a group of men down to find a nearby town.. we'll destroy the homes of innocents and take prisoners who we'll interrogate to give up the location of Miranda's village.. an then...we will end all those who reside there.. freak or not.. they will all die

Seargent: Sir I understand you want revenge.. but is the path you want to walk down the right one.. there will be repercussions from this.. I don't think you should...

Chris: Are you questioning my decision

Seargent: N-no sir.. I-I'm just saying.. this isn't going to bring Ben back...

Chris: You do not get to decide what I do here.. right or wrong.. Miranda will pay for Ben's death.. and no one is going to stand in my you are going to send a couple of men to find a nearby town.. you will be going to make sure the job is done.. and you will do as I've ordered.. do you understand me

Seargent: Y-yes sir

Chris: Good...and make sure you bring back a few prisoners for interrogation.. I'm sure someone will reveal the location of Miranda's go and do as I have commanded

(The Seargent leaves the tent and gathers a few men as they leave in jeeps looking for secluded towns to destroy and find people to take as prisoners...though not liking what Chris is doing the Sarge had no choice but to follow his orders...but at some point the sarge will have to make a choice that could potentially make him a traitor.. either do what Chris says or side with Miranda and the other lords of the time passed by the men find a secluded town they begin firing at people while the flame throwers burn down homes.. this caused a lot of the towns folk to scream an panic for their leaves as they were either gunned down or taken prisoner and loaded onto the jeeps to be taken back to base for night continues back at the get away cabin that Joshua built.. he an the girls were sleeping peacefully till with his excellent hearing he gets up and leaves the cabin and as he left.. one of the girls woke up.. Cassandra didn't see the man with her an her sisters so she puts on her see through robe an leaves the room and as she exits the cabin she see's Joshua standing there.. she softly spoke as to not startle him)

Cassandra: Joshua baby.. is something wrong

Joshua: Do you hear that?

Cassandra: Hear what?

Joshua: Listen

(Cassandra closely listens and hears the faint screams of townsfolk panicking for their leaves sobbing as people are being gunned down or being taken prisoners)

Cassandra: W-what the hell is happening

Joshua: I have a hunch it's that Chris Redfield person.. looks like he sent some men to destroy a nearby town and take people hostage

Cassandra: W-why would he make such a barbaric horrendous move?

Joshua: I guess our friends tried to reason with him but failed.. so since Ethan and Mia are on our side.. Chris probably didn't take it to kindly and branded them both traitors

Cassandra: T-that bastard.. and this is what he's doing?.. taking innocent lives an destroying a town that those people built?

Joshua: I guess so

Cassandra: I don't think auntie is going to take this very well...but we should do something.. I don't wanna ignore those peoples plea for help.. we gotta do something

Joshua: Wake up your sisters an tell them to get ready, we'll be having a fight on our hands tonight

Cassandra: On it

(Cassandra goes back into the cabin and enters the master bedroom)

Cassandra: Sisters wake up

(Bela an Daniela wake up)

Bela: Why what's going on

Daniela: Did something happen...w-what where's Joshua

Cassandra: Don't worry he's fine, listen.. there is a nearby town being attacked

Bela: Attacked by who?

Cassandra: It's that wretched human auntie spoke of.. he's targeting nearby towns looking for our village

Daniela: (Gasps) We gotta go an save those people

Cassandra: Lets get ready an meet up with Joshua

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