Chapter 27: Restless

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(Night continues on and after successfully thwarting Chris Redfield's plan of kidnapping town folk an holding them prisoner for interrogation.. thanks to the daughters and Joshua's plan while receiving help from an unexpected ally the plan worked well.. though Viktor was happy he helped the rescuers he still felt bad for betraying Chris but at the same time Viktor knew that was Chris was doing was wrong and barbaric thus Viktor also knew he didn't sign up for the job involving kidnapping innocent people.. and now that Viktor is now a traitor.. Chris will have another person to kill on the battlefield as a war will soon begin)

(As night continues.. Viktor was having a hard time getting some sleep so he leaves the guestroom and even though he quietly closed the door.. the smallest of sound was enough to wake up one of the girls and of course it was Cassandra.. she gets out of bed and opens the door an see's Viktor going outside.. thinking that the man had trouble sleeping.. the raven haired woman instinctively puts on her nightgown and see through robe and leaves the room and exits the cabin.. from there she see's Viktor sitting out by the pond.. she cautiously approaches the man as to not spook him)

Cassandra: (Speaks softly) Hey Viktor

Viktor: Oh um.. hey Cassandra

Cassandra: Still can't sleep can you?

Viktor: (Sighs) No

Cassandra: Still hurt that you betrayed Chris?

Viktor: Yeah

Cassandra: I-I'm sorry for what you had to do.. but it was the right choice

Viktor: Chris and I have been through a lot together.. but...seeing him be so cold makes me feel like he isn't the Chris I once knew...when Ben died.. Chris snapped.. the boy wanted the job so that he could help his family with the money an stuff.. an now that he's gone...Chris is now even more determined to kill all of you

Cassandra: I-I am so sorry.. I-I'm sure auntie didn't mean for Ben to be killed

Viktor: Well she was sincere about Ben's death when she arrived to save Ethan and Mia

Cassandra: W-wait.. back up.. what do you mean she arrived to save Ethan and Mia?

Viktor: When Ethan and Mia wanted to reason with Chris about not killing Miranda and everyone in the village.. Chris thought Miranda was Mia again but when Miranda herself appeared she tried to reason with Chris to and Chris was angry towards Miranda and told her that Ben was killed by the lycans but she never meant anyone to be harmed.. she even tried to appease Chris and Chris only wanted one thing...her and all of you dead

Cassandra: I-I'm sorry to say this but.. the Chris you knew is no longer there.. just a cruel man who doesn't care about anyone other then himself

Viktor: I have to agree with you on that

Cassandra: And I also wanted to apologize for threatening you before.. can you ever forgive me?

Viktor: Your forgiven

(Cassandra hugs the man as he hugged her back)

Cassandra: Thank you.. Viktor

Viktor: Your welcome Cassandra

Cassandra: Would you like some company out here or do you need alone time?

Viktor: Some company would be nice.. it can get a bit lonesome outside

Cassandra: Then I'll stay out here with you till your ready to go back in

Viktor: Thank you

Cassandra: Of course (Smiles) and um.. just out of curiosity.. how long have you an Chris known each other? I-I'm sorry if it's personal

Viktor: It's ok to ask (Sighs) where do I begin

Cassandra: Take your time

Viktor: Years ago me an Chris worked for a corporation called Umbrella.. i-it was a dark an terrible time in raccoon city.. humans were used for experiments and turned into B.O.W.S or Bio weapons as they call it

Cassandra: Bio weapons?

Viktor: Bio weapons are people that are infected by a virus that either turns them into flesh eating zombies or into mutants called Tyrants.. Tyrants are a group known for their immense super strength and durability and can progress through different stages to become something more destructive.. Umbrella has a shady an dark history behind them.. me an Chris have been through hell together.. over the course of the years he has lost a lot of good men and even some friends...when I first met him he was a good person that just wanted to save lives but as the saying goes you can't save them all...Chris tried his best to save those he could but eventually and over time he grew colder an colder.. I-I barely knew him and...I barely know him now.. I-I still hear the screams.. the voices as innocent people w-were being s-shot.. a-and t-taken (Breaks down in tears) I-I just...I just c-couldn't stand a-anymore

Cassandra: O-oh my god.. I-I had no idea you an him went through all that.. and now seeing him kidnapping innocent people just to interrogate them to find auntie and us to just kill us all.. he has truly lost it...I-I'm glad you helped us even though it was hard to betray your friend.. I-I feel so bad for you...come here

(Cassandra embraces the man as he begun to cry uncontrollably)

Cassandra: Shh.. shh.. shh.. it's ok...cry all you want dear.. I'm here for you.. we all have a place with us...your one of us now

Viktor: (Sniffles) T-thank you (Sobs)

Cassandra: Your welcome (Gives a somber smile)

(After a few minutes go by.. things calm down)

Viktor: T-thank you Cassandra.. for giving me support

Cassandra: Of course (Smiles lightly putting her palm on Viktor's face) you ready to go back inside

Viktor: I am

Cassandra: Come on

(The two walk back inside.. Cass escorts the man back to the guest room)

Viktor: Hey Cassandra

Cassandra: Yes?

Viktor: I want to again thank you for being there

Cassandra: It's no problem at all.. I'm just happy to have given you please get some sleep ok (Smiles lightly)

Viktor: I will.. and thank you again (Smiles)

Cassandra: Your welcome Viktor (Smiles)

(The two part ways as Cassandra goes back to the room she whispers to Joshua)

Cassandra: (Whipsers) Hey Joshua

Joshua: Hmm? what is it Cass?

Cassandra: (Whispers) Is it ok if I sleep with Viktor tonight just this once

Joshua: Did something happen?

Cassandra: (Whispers) He couldn't sleep as he was having a hard time getting over betraying Chris and he told me how he an Chris have been through hell together and seeing him break down made me feel bad for him so I offered him some company.. and I wanted to ask if it was ok for me to sleep with him tonight so that he wouldn't be alone

Joshua: Of course (I smiled)

Cassandra: (Whispers) Thanks babe (Pecks Joshua's lips)

(With Joshua's permission Cassandra goes to the guest room where Viktor slept)

Cassandra: Hey Viktor

Viktor: Hey Cassandra.. what're you doing in here?

Cassandra: I asked me an my sisters boyfriend if I could sleep in here with you tonight and he said yes so here I am (Smiles) let's go to bed then shall we.. an don't worry I'll be right beside you tonight ok

Viktor: Thank you so much

Cassandra: My pleasure sir

(The two go to sleep...feeling relieved knowing that Cassandra was there to comfort him as he couldn't sleep.. but thanks to her support and for her to sleep with him tonight to make him feel safe he was able to get some rest)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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