Chapter 24: Settling In

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(After being reunited once more.. Ethan and Mia along with their baby daughter Rose and being given sanctuary and protection in the village.. the winters family was settling in quite nicely thanks to mother Miranda who was kind enough to offer them a house and a fresh start...not only that.. even Alcina herself made sure that if the winters family needed another place to stay.. house Dimitrescu would always be open for them no matter what)

(The sun rises upon the village.. everyone goes about their daily business..meanwhile in the house.. both Ethan and Mia along with Rose were happy as can be...back at castle Dimitrescu in the room where the girls and the man were sleeping the girls and Joshua were sleeping peacefully...a few minutes go by and the first person to wake up was Joshua)

Joshua.. Hey girls.. time to wake up

(The girls wake up)

Joshua: Good morning sleepy heads (I smiled)

(Good morning our king the three spoke in unison)

Joshua: Did ya'll sleep well

Cassandra: We sure did.. what about you? did you sleep well to (Smiles)

Joshua: I did.. and I'm in a good mood today

Bela: That's good to hear honey (Smiles) it definitely hurt us when you were feeling down yesterday.. and we vow to never let that happen again

Daniela: Yeah.. we'll do better (Smiles)

Cassandra: Agreed...and since it's a beautiful morning.. I think we should do something together to make Ethan and his wife and daughter feel more welcomed (Gasps) we should make some goodies for them (Smiles)

Joshua: Like what exactly?

Daniela: How about cookies, delicious food (Gasps) ooh and what about a cake

Bela: That sounds like a wonderful idea.. well then lets get dressed and we should get started.. but we should eat breakfast first before we start

Joshua: Good idea.. lets get to it

(The four get dressed and make their way downstairs towards the kitchen)

Cassandra: So what should we do for breakfast.. any ideas?

Daniela: Hmm.. how about bacon, muffins and what about um.. bagels.. I'm sure they'd like Bagels

Bela: That would be a good idea.. and we can take some to Ethan and Mia's place (Smiles)

Joshua: Lets get started then

(The four worked diligently to get the food all prepared an ready to go)

(Time Jump)

(Morning continues and the four were finished making breakfast in the kitchen)

Daniela: Now that breakfast is done let's go ahead an take the breakfast goodies to Ethan and his wife.. but we should also leave some for mother and the maids

Cassandra: Don't worry.. there is plenty left.. so lets go ahead an go (Smiles)

(Cassandra, Bela, Daniela and Joshua leave the castle and make their way to the village.. they then find Ethan and Mia's house and knock on the door)

Ethan: Well good morning girls, Joshua (Smiles)

Bela: Good morning Ethan (Smiles) how are you Mia and Rose settling in?

Ethan: Quite well actually.. it feels nice to be in a house again...where are my manners...please come in

(The four enter the house)

Mia: Ah hello girls, Joshua (Smiles) what brings ya'll here this morning

Daniela: We came to give ya'll some morning goodies (Smiles) Bacon, muffins and bagels to welcome you three to the village.. speaking of which where is Rose?

Ethan: She's asleep right now.. she can get cranky in the mornings so it be best to not disturb her.. heh.. we don't need a cranky baby in the morning

Joshua: No you do not (I chuckled) or else everyone would be hearing it

Mia: You got that right (Chuckles)

Cassandra: Well I'm glad ya'll are settling in well here

Ethan: We certainly are.. I honestly didn't expect your mother and Ms. Miranda to offer us sanctuary in the village.. after being separated I thought I'd never see Mia or Rose again but now that we're reunited and with us being friends.. it feels good (Smiles)

Bela: We are definitely glad to have you in our village (Smiles)

Mia: Thank you so much for the hospitality (Smiles) and thank you for the morning goodies

Joshua: Oh that's not all.. we'll be bringing goodies in the afternoon as well

Ethan: Ya'll are the best.. again thank you so much for this

Daniela: Your very welcome.. well we should go for now.. see ya'll later (Smiles)

Mia: See ya'll later (Smiles)

(Ethan and Mia wave good bye as the four head back to the castle)

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