Chapter 7: Mother Miranda/ Miracle

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(After last nights horrifying events the girls had no idea that the black Varcolac was none other then Joshua who apparently held a dark secret, a curse if you will.. one where a full moon appears and the grotesque transformation takes it's place wielding a beast like no other that craves human flesh an blood to sustain itself leaving it's humanity behind.. and letting the beast take control.. but if there is one person who can help it would be the deity herself, Mother Miranda)

(As morning rises upon house the room where the girls slept with the man who they found out to be the monster, the daughters didn't care.. they were relieved to know that Joshua was ok, but there will be some explaining to the light pierces through the windows of castle Dimitrescu, Joshua wakes up and find himself back in the room but wasn't alone as Bela, Cassandra and Daniela were there with him.. the girls greeted him)

Joshua: Good morning Bela, Cass an Daniela

Cassandra: Good morning love (Smiles)

Joshua: W-what happened to me.. h-how did I get here?

Bela: When you transformed back into your human form you passed out on us and we carried you back home

Joshua: (I sighed) F-fuck.. n-not again 

Daniela: Again.. what do you mean again?

Joshua: I-I.. I don't want you girls to hate or be afraid of me

Cassandra: Sweetie it's ok.. you can tell us.. we are here for you no matter what goes on.. we want to help you in whatever way we can

Bela: Yeah.. and the truth is we love you even though we met a few days ago.. but we want to be here for you

Joshua: O-ok.. where do I even begin

Daniela: Take all the time you need

(The girls gave all their love an support to the man who was about to tell them a dark secret)

Joshua: (I sighed) About a year ago I lived in another village about 3 hours from here and one night the village I lived in was attacked by a lycanthrope and we were all able to fend it off by using conventional weapons, guns and everything, the beast was unstoppable an then upon that terrible night even though I successfully subdued the creature using silver bullets, unfortunately I was not unscathed.. I was bitten and now I bore this mark (I showed the long claw marks on my back) left by the lycan so now every once full moon I transform into the beast and...

(Joshua began breaking down in tears...the girls were saddened by this and the only thing they did was show their unending love to the man they still love as they didn't care that he was a monster as well)

Joshua: So (I sniffled) now you know.. of what I am

Cassandra: Oh my god.. you poor thing

Bela: We had no idea this happened to you

Daniela: We are so sorry.. but we promise that we will be with you no matter what happens.. and we will do everything we can to help you control this thing

Joshua: B-but.. it's impossible.. t-there's nothing that can stop me from turning into this monstrosity or be able to keep my humanity

Cassandra: Actually.. there is someone I know that can help with this

Joshua: W-who?

Bela: (Gasps) Mother Miranda

Joshua: M-mother Miranda? who is she?

Daniela: She's the deity of this village and she also does a lot of experimenting.. maybe she can make something to where you can have complete control over this.. and if it works out you won't have to be afraid anymore

Cassandra: It's worth a shot I mean.. mother Miranda is very good at what she does

Joshua: O-ok

(The door opens)

Alcina: Well good morning you 4

(Good morning the 4 spoke in unison)

Alcina: I see you all are safe an sound

Cassandra: We are mom and.. there's something you need to know

Alcina: Whatever it is we can talk about it during breakfast.. now come.. breakfast is waiting

(The four get dressed and follow Alcina down to the dining room.. once there they all sat down)

Alcina: Now that we're here.. what is it that you wish to tell me

(The girls looked at each other nervously)

Bela: Well mother.. if you must know.. J-Joshua here.. he's the creature we went after

Alcina: I don't understand.. what do you mean he's the creature from last night

Cassandra: Joshua.. I think it's best if you show her

(Joshua stands up an turns around lifting up his shirt revealing the claw marks on his back)

Alcina: What is this?

Daniela: Joshua.. tell her

Joshua: I-I don't know if I should

Cassandra: Hey.. hey.. it's ok.. we're here for you (Hugs the man)

(The other two join in as well)

Joshua: (I Sighed) Ms. Dimitrescu.. if you must know.. the marks you saw on my back is a symbol of the beast that resides in me...I-I'm the creature

Alcina: I-I still don't understand

Joshua: Well I already told your daughters this but there is more you need to know

(As Joshua began explaining to Alcina about the secret he held the more saddened she felt knowing that Joshua is the black varcolac specifically known as the Alpha of varcolacs)

(Small Time Skip)

Joshua: So you see...this.. is the burden I carry for the rest of my life

Alcina: O-oh my goodness.. I-I am deeply sorry you went.. through all of that

Joshua: Thank you

Alcina: Girls...please go and properly bury the maidens will you.. I need to have a private talk with Joshua

(The girls didn't hesitate to leave but before they did they gave a loving hug to the man reassuring him before departing)

Alcina: Joshua

Joshua: Y-yes ma'am

Alcina: I understand that your afraid that you think your in trouble.. I can see it in your eyes...but know this.. no matter what secrets you have...never be afraid to tell us.. in house Dimitrescu we are very supportive.. as you can see my daughters are very loving and supportive to you as they love you a lot

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