Chapter14: Meeting the duke/Date Night With The Girls

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(Last night after receiving good news from mother Miranda, the other lords didn't have to worry about the child's father an Chris Redfield as Miranda created a diversion to lead the two away from coming to the village so it'll be a few months before the men realize they've been sent on a wild goose chase.. and last night after spending time outside with Cassandra an talking to her.. and in the midst of the conversation between them.. Joshua thought about arranging a date for him an the girls as they have never been on a date before so this'll catch them off guard.. and Joshua will also meet the one an only duke who is a merchant of all trades)

(Morning rises upon the village.. the villagers were going about their daily lives.. meanwhile at castle Dimitrescu everything was quiet.. not a peep or sound was heard.. in the room where the girls an the man were sleeping.. one of the girls woke up an sees the man not there.. Cassandra puts on her sanny black lace teddy outfit and a see through robe and exits the room.. she searches for the man.. she goes outside an see's the man admiring the morning sky and the village...Joshua hears someone behind him)

Joshua: I can hear you Cassie (I smiled)

Cassandra: What you doing out here love

Joshua: Just admiring the beautiful sky and the village that's all

Cassandra: The sky is beautiful I'll say that.. and it's nice to see everyone going about their normal lives

Joshua: Agreed.. and you know since Ms. Miranda gave us the good news about the two men not coming to this village for a few months.. I think I might arrange a date for me, you, Bela an Daniela

Cassandra: I must confess this'll be the first time me an my sisters have ever been on a date.. but I'm sure we look forward to what you have in store for us (Smiles)

Joshua: You'll just have to wait an see (I smiled)

Cassandra: Ooh.. now you have me even more excited (Smiles) you an your secrecy

Joshua: Oh I am very secretive.. but yeah I think you an your sisters will like what I have planned

Cassandra: I look forward it (Smiles) you know I'm glad auntie gave us the good news yesterday.. now we don't have to worry about those men coming here an destroying the entire village

Joshua: Yeah that's a relief.. but if they do come here.. we'll be ready for them

Cassandra: Mmhmm.. and we won't go down without a fight...but anyway let's not let these thoughts bother us.. today is a new day and I'm excited for this date night you secretly have planned for us (Smiles)

Joshua: You'll see soon enough (I smiled)

Cassandra: Also I wanted to thank you for chatting an keeping me company yesterday.. and I'm sorry if I was hiding it but yeah I was a bit sad because...

Joshua: Cassie it's ok.. never be afraid to share anything with me.. you an your sisters don't have to hide anything from me.. you know I'll always give my love an support to ya'll

Cassandra: I swear I love you.. your just so nice an respectful to us we've hardly ever gotten that here.. thank you so much (Smiles)

Joshua: Of course babe (I smiled)

(The two embrace each other)

Joshua: You know I still can never forget that special moment you girls had in store for me that day

Cassandra: First time having sex huh

Joshua: Yeah I never had a girlfriend in years or even at all.. I was pretty much alone and I had no one but.. now I do thanks to you and your sisters and of course Alcina.. if I didn't arrive at your doorstep I would've been doomed by the deadly snowstorm

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