Chapter 17: The Dark Woods/ Ethan Encounters The Black Beast

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(As night continued on a man named Ethan winters, the one mother Miranda spoke about in the meeting is making his way towards the village to hopefully find his wife an daughter but unbeknownst to the child's father, Ethan is about to come face to face with the black beast.. the protector of the village)

(As the man made his way through the cold dark woods.. he comes across dead ravens all mangled an torn apart while being hung from tree limbs.. but one raven was still alive it frantically caws at the sight of the man thinking it's in danger, but the man presses forward and as he did he hears growling noises.. he couldn't quite make of it but he didn't stop to see what was lurking in the darkness...a minute or two goes by he comes across a house.. he investigates it.. and as he investigated the abandoned place he heard a horrifying howl unlike anything he ever heard an then the loud thumping sounds from the roof.. the sounds then descended onto the ground emitting a loud thud.. and as the noises got closer the man hides in the closet...the footsteps got closer an closer.. soon the man see's a massive black creature.. it had glowing red beady eyes looking in his direction.. the man could hear the growling and the sounds of it's breathing inching closer an closer.. it roars hoping to scare whatever was hiding.. but fortunately the creature turned it's attention elsewhere and vanishes...after a few minutes of silence everything was quiet.. Ethan leaves the closet trying to process what had just happened)

Ethan: W-what the fuck was that

(As Ethan was about to leave.. he hears the footsteps again.. he see's an open window and makes a mad dash for it.. and as he did he looks behind him an see's the creature again.. it's glowing red eyes locking onto him.. growling as it inched closer.. Ethan was horrified but he wastes no time in leaving...and as he jumped out.. the creature was at the window.. staring at the man.. Ethan wonders why the beast isn't coming for him.. not wanting to stay an find out.. the man continues on.. even though he was ok.. he still wasn't sure if the beast would pursue him again...the night continues on and as it gets colder an colder.. with the temperatures being at it's lowest.. Ethan Winters couldn't go any further or else he'd risk of hypothermia so he makes a quick shelter and builds a campfire to stay warm.. tomorrow Ethan will continue making his way to the village and hopefully find his wife an daughter...meanwhile back at castle Dimitrescu Joshua returned home and of course waiting for him was his girlfriends)

Bela: Welcome back babe

Cassandra: Did anything happen while you were out there

Daniela: Anything cool?

Joshua: Oh yes indeed.. you know the man Ms. Miranda spoke of

Bela: (Gasps) He's coming

Cassandra: Looks like we'll be getting to greet him very soon (Smiles deviously)

Daniela: Cassie.. your kinda scaring me

Joshua: Yeah your scaring me a bit to

Cassandra: (Chuckles) Sorry darling.. it's a habit.. sometimes I get carried away or get to excited.. my apologies if I scared you

Joshua: It's ok.. but yes the man is on his way.. I found him trekking through the woods and he came across a old house and I decided to give him a really good scare to see his reaction and oh my god I think he pissed himself (I snickered)

(The girls laughed as well)

Cassandra: Oh my god he probably shitted himself when you scared the hell out of him (laughs)

Bela: Yeah he's probably never seen you in your black beast form.. he must've been mortified when he saw you.. your scary glowing red eyes most likely made him almost have a heart attack

Daniela: He's probably still scared from the encounter (Giggles)

Joshua: Oh he is alright.. he's most likely hunkered down for the night since the temperatures were getting colder an colder so I doubt he'll even try to continue making his way here

Cassandra: Yeah.. but anyways, we should probably go to bed ourselves.. wouldn't want mother to get mad at us.. so let's go to bed

(The four go upstairs and make their way upstairs.. they then enter the bedroom and go to bed)

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