Chapter 25: Confession/Reason

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(After being graciously welcomed in the village the Winters family was happy to be back together again but something inside Ethan troubled him.. he promised to let whatever happened between him and his former captors go but he knew that he needed to tell Mia what happened or else whatever he is trying to hide will come out sooner then later but deep down he knew he needed to do it so that Mia doesn't get upset at him or the new friends she an him have made.. it's a difficult choice but Ethan knows it has to be done and not only will he tell his wife but he also needs to speak to Chris and hopefully stop his friend from making a big mistake seeing as how kind the people in the village are but if Chris can't be stopped then soon a war will begin)

(As night goes on the village was still lively as ever.. in the winters house Ethan had something to say to Mia)

Ethan: Mia

Mia: Yes Ethan?

Ethan: (Sighs) I..I need to tell you something

Mia: What is it?

Ethan: (Sighs) I.. I don't want you to hate me or Miranda or our new friends but uh.. promise me you won't hate me or them

Mia: I promise

Ethan: So when I was searching for you that one night.. I was captured by my former captors.. I was their prisoner but I escaped and I caused some big problems.. I-I held one of their maids hostage while I was trying to find you and Rose.. but then when I encountered them in the dungeon I-I killed their boyfriend who was part lycan.. and I messed up big time.. they tortured me and broke me.. but the day before that.. Miranda was successfully able to bring her real daughter back and released you and Rose and brought you both to castle Dimitrescu.. at first I was skeptical but they were true to their words...instead of me as their prisoner they treated me as a guest and gave me a room to stay in so that I could heal.. and we made amends to each other and we slowly became friends and they got to meet you and Rose.. but what I'm trying to say is.. please don't ruin the friendship we have with them now

Mia: (Sighs) Ethan.. that's a lot to take in but after seeing how nice they are I don't think I could ever be mad at them but it's you I'm more mad at.. but I'm glad your ok

Ethan: Thank you Mia

Mia: But have you had the chance to contact Chris

Ethan: No I have not.. but the girls asked me to try and stop him from making a mistake.. there are good people in this village and I'd hate for all this including our new home to be destroyed.. I have to try and stop him.. and if I fail then you.. me and Rose will be taken away and everyone here will be gone forever

Mia: Ethan surely your not crazy to go an confront Chris an try an stop him from doing what he's going to do...once Chris is set on a mission there is no stopping him.. he cannot be reasoned with

Ethan: Mia I have to try.. nothing you say will deter me from trying

Mia: (Sighs) Fine.. but if your going then I'm going to.. but who will watch Rose while we're gone?

Ethan: Maybe our friends at house Dimitrescu or maybe Alcina can watch her since she to is a mother

Mia: Good idea

(Mia and Ethan leave their house and take Rose to house Dimitrescu.. they approach the door and knock on it.. the door opens and one of the maids spoke)

Irene: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Winters.. what I can I do for you both?

Ethan: My wife and I are going to stop a certain someone who is going to destroy this village and everyone in it and we needed someone to watch our Rose while we're gone

(Alcina approaches)

Alcina: Irene who's at the.. door?.. oh hello Mr. and Mrs. Winters what can I help you both with?

Mia: My husband and I are going to try an stop Chris from destroying this village.. and while we're gone we needed someone we can trust to watch an take care of Rose

Alcina: I would be delighted to watch your child while your gone.. I have everything I need in my chambers to take care of your daughter

Ethan: Thank you so much

(Alcina gently takes the child from Ethan and Mia as the two set out to confront Chris.. Alcina then takes the baby to her chambers and begins to care for the baby like it was her own)

(Time Jump)

(Time goes by both Ethan and Mia eventually find Chris's camp and was confronted by a guard)

Guard: Halt who goes there! (Points rifle) Identify yourself!

Ethan: Whoa there.. it's just me and my wife Mia

Guard: Y-your Ethan a-and y-your Mia

Mia: We are.. we're here to talk to Chris

Guard: Well your in luck he's in his tent.. I'll escort you to him

(The Guard escorts Ethan an Mia to Chris's tent)

Guard: Sir.. you have visitors

(Ethan and Mia appear)

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