Chapter 11: Burying The Dead/ Meeting With The Lords

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(After last night's encounter with another varcolac that was successfully killed by the Dimitrescu daughters boyfriend.. sadly there was a few losses.. the daughters and their boyfriend Joshua agreed to help bury the dead after what happened that night...but today there will also be an important meeting with the other lords as mother Miranda had something come up.. not only that.. she also wants to introduce the man to other lords but one lord in particular will not be so nice)

(Morning arrives and the village is quiet.. not a peep or sound was heard as everyone was sleeping.. meanwhile at castle Dimitrescu.. in the room where the girls an the man were sleeping the light awakens the man and as Joshua woke up he see's his beautiful gf's sleeping soundly.. not wanting to wake them up he quietly gets out of bed and puts on his shirt an pajama's and exits the room not wanting to make a single sound.. though he quietly closed the door.. one of the girls woke up.. Bela wakes up an sees the man not with them so she puts on her sanny black lace teddy outfit and a see through robe an exits the room leaving Cassie an Daniela alone.. as Bela went downstairs she hears a voice coming from the kitchen and as she got there she enters the area an see's Joshua cooking breakfast.. Joshua heard someone enter and looks to see Bela right there)

Joshua: Good morning Bela

Bela: Good morning babe.. what you doing in here?

Joshua: Cooking breakfast

Bela: Ooh.. whatever your making smells wonderful.. it's making my stomach rumble

Joshua: You'll seen soon enough (I smiled)

Bela: Now you have me excited (Smiles)

Joshua: Anyways I hope I didn't wake you or the others up

Bela: It's alright.. I mean with my hearing I heard something so.. I came to investigate and I heard a noise so I thought I go an look.. I come in here and I see me an my sisters handsome boyfriend making breakfast (Smiles) 

Joshua: Well I figured I do something nice for my beautiful girlfriends and of course everyone else

Bela: Oh you (Smiles an sighs) I swear I'm glad me an my sisters met you and I'm also happy that mother brought you in that day.. and ever since we met you.. you've been so generous, kind and respectful to us.. and to be frank your literally the first man to live with us.. hell you made our lives so much better.. you gave me, Cassandra an Daniela the gift we've always wanted that no other human would ever do such a thing for me an my sisters.. and your the first to have done something for us.. thanks to you we no longer have to fear the cold.. and we can even keep our abilities so that makes us truly immortal unless someone found another way to harm us.. but I don't ever see that happening

Joshua: As long as I'm here.. no one will lay a hand on my family or the people of this village

Bela: (Sighs an hugs the man as she smiled) I fucking love you

Joshua: I love you an your sisters to (I smiled as I hugged her back) oh and uh don't forget we agreed to help the villagers bury their dead

Bela: Oh yes.. I haven't forgotten (Sighs) It's such a terrible loss.. those poor villagers lost a few of their loved ones i-it's so sad I mean even Cassie was about to lose her best friend Alexia.. but I'm glad we were able to put that other varcolac down an stop it from killing anyone else

Joshua: Yeah.. hopefully another one doesn't show up.. but if another one appears.. the four of us we'll be there to deal with it

Bela: I agree... and uh.. remember when you turned one of those Moroaica's into a moro wolf

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