Chapter 4: Comfort

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(After enduring a horrifying nightmare, Joshua couldn't sleep as the nightmare still haunted him even after Cassandra comforted the man assuring him that she would be there with him in case something else happened but after not being able to sleep the nightmare kept him up)

(As the night continued on Joshua hardly got any sleep so not wanting to wake up the raven haired lady the man puts on his pajama's and leaves the room...time passes by an Cassandra wakes up, she looks to see that the man isn't there.. this raises concern so she puts on her see through cloak and quietly closes the door an looks for him...after trying to find the man she was even more worried but as she walks past a room there was a bright light coming from the opera hall.. Cass enters the room an sees the man sitting by the fire place.. she calmly approaches the man an spoke in a soft voice not wanting to startle the man)

Cassandra: H-hey sweetie

Joshua: O-oh.. h-hey Cassandra

Cassandra: A-are you ok? you weren't in the room with me.. I was getting very worried that I wouldn't be able to find you

Joshua: I-I'm sorry if I made you worry it's just that the nightmare I endured tonight kept me from getting the sleep I need

(Cassandra sits next to the man to comfort him)

Cassandra: It's ok dear I understand.. to be honest sometimes I myself have nightmares and it's ones where me an my sisters die and I always wake up and could never get the sleep I need to so your not alone in that.. but I'm here for you sweetheart

Joshua:  Thank  you but...I-I don't know what to think now after seeing the nightmare

Cassandra: Look at me (The man looks at her as she spoke in a soft voice) that nightmare you had wasn't real.. it was only a dream and nothing else.. sure it may have felt real but dreams cannot hurt you...I understand that your scared right now as you saw of what me an my family were.. but know this.. I am here to comfort you and give you my support (Smiles lightly putting her hand on the mans chest) now.. if you want.. I can stay in here with you an provide you with some company till your ready to go back to bed.. hell we can even talk to pass the time or just cuddle if you'd like (Smiles lightly)

Joshua: W-what would you like to talk about?

Cassandra: Anything you want (Smiles)

Joshua: Well.. I was wondering what your life was like before you became a vampire

Cassandra: It's a long story but I'd be more then happy to tell you

(The two got closer together as Cassandra began explaining her an her sister's lives were like before they became what they are now)

(Time Skip)

(Once Cassandra was finished explaining her an her sisters lives Joshua was shocked)

Cassandra: So you see.. this is what we have become

Joshua: Holy shit.. I-I had no idea.. it must've been hard being what you are now

Cassandra: At first we didn't like what we've become but we've accepted our new life and ever since then.. this is how its been for us

Joshua: Well to be honest myself.. you an your sisters are very pretty for being vampires

Cassandra: Aww you.. that is so kind of you to say about me an my sisters.. no other human has ever said anything this nice to us before but.. would you like us if we had this (Shows the wound on her head)

Joshua: Well in my opinion.. it doesn't change my view of you an your family.. think of that wound as a birthmark or something

Cassandra: I swear to the megamycete gods you are so sweet.. no one has ever been this kind hearted before.. you are a damn blessing (Smiles) 

Joshua: Thank you Cass (I smiled)

Cassandra: You.. are most welcomed (Smiles) you know spring is tomorrow, I can't wait for me an my sisters to go out and enjoy the sun again (Smiles)

Joshua: Spring is beautiful when it appears, the flowers bloom.. the animals come out

Cassandra: Mhm and even prime game for me to hunt.. speaking of which.. when I go hunting would you like to join me(Smiles)

Joshua: I would love to but.. I've never hunted before

Cassandra: It's ok I'd be happy to take you under my wing (Smiles)

Joshua: Really? you'd do that for me

Cassandra: Of course darling.. after all it's when prime targets like deer or bears appear during spring.. those are the big games I like to hunt.. more specifically the bears (Smiles)

Joshua: Thank you so much Cassandra.. I look forward to hunting with you

Cassandra: As am I (Smiles) now then.. shall we go back to bed

Joshua: Yes

(The two make their way back upstairs and entered the bedroom, there the two embraced each other as they slept together but before they went sleep Joshua spoke again)

Joshua: Hey Cassandra

Cassandra: Yes?

Joshua: Thank you for comforting me back there (I smiled)

Cassandra: My pleasure dear one (Smiles) as I said.. I'm here to support you

Joshua: Thank you for that

Cassandra: It's the least I could do

Joshua: But there's something that's been bugging me

Cassandra: What is it?

Joshua: When you said that you an Bela aren't easy to impress.. what did you mean by that

Cassandra: Well.. when I said that me an Bela aren't easy to impress.. unlike my sister Daniela we don't exactly trust humans very easily.. mainly because they wish to get rid of us but that's impossible unless they know of our weakness which is the cold which I'm sure my sister has told you 

Joshua: Yeah she has

Cassandra: Then you know that if the cold hits us we can die and that's also another reason why we aren't trusting of others.. but you.. you have been nothing but kind.. generous and just a downright really nice man.. I mean you were just there listening and just giving me support as I was letting down my walls to show my emotional side which I hardly ever show to anyone.. and it may seem like I don't give a fuck about anyone.. but deep down I do, I just use this sarcastic asshole facade to cover up my true feelings even from my sisters.. but since I trust you enough, I'm letting you see this side of me (Smiles)

Joshua: Well I appreciate you letting me see this side of you.. and as I said before I don't give a damn what anyone says about you or your family.. your beautiful just the way you are.. I mean ya'll have emotions, feelings and hobbies besides just killing others.. deep down your still human.. and it just hurts me to see that the other villagers can't see that or give you a chance.. it just show's how immature they are

Cassandra: You know your making me tear up by hearing that (Smiles) just by you being so nice and defending me an my family makes me fall in love with you even more even though we just met.. I never knew that a human like you would instantly make me fall for someone so quickly.. I think you put a spell on me

Joshua: Haha.. if I was a witch I would but no I'm not

Cassandra: Haha.. your funny you know that (Smiles)

Joshua: Well anyway I just wanted to thank you for comforting me tonight after what happened

Cassandra: Hey (Cups the mans face) I'm just glad to be there for you (Smiles) now lets go to sleep ok.. and no matter what happens.. I'm here

Joshua: Thank you

(The two smiled at each other an drifted off to sleep)

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