Chapter 6: A Beast Emerges Into The Night

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(Yesterday after spending time with the girls, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, Joshua was happy that the girls and their mother welcomed him to his new home, in all his life he has never met such kind people even their mutants but to him they are still human just with abilities and also have hobbies they can do besides killing others to survive.. Joshua was the first man thing Alcina Dimitrescu allowed into her home even though she despises men but she was also grateful to have let Joshua live in her an her daughters home, from there she was happy seeing that her daughters have grown rather fond of the man as he was super kind and a genuine person who didn't view the girls or their mother as monsters and instead viewed them as beautiful women nothing more and nothing less and thus Joshua was gifted a new home at house Dimitrescu)

(As night falls over the village a full moon has risen and thus a beast soon emerges and will unleash it's insatiable thirst for blood an house Dimitrescu in the room where the girls slept with the man they cherished one of the girls woke up.. Cass was the first to wake up and as she did she noticed that Joshua was not there with her or her sisters so with not wanting to wake them up she puts on her see through robe like cloak and goes to investigate... while Cassandra looks she notices a window broken.. terrified Cassie inspects it and sees that either something broke in or broke out.. not liking the situation she keeps searching for the man.. and as she keeps going she sees a dead maid on the floor mutilated and ripped apart like something killed the woman)

Cassandra: (Whispers) What the fuck did this?

(A noise interrupts her)

Cassandra: (Gasps and spoke quietly) I-is someone there? s-show yourself

(The sound of unnerving movement continues making Cass even more nervous even though she is the sadistic hunter of house Dimitrescu and shouldn't be scared, but knowing that something is wrong sets her off making her extremely scared so with her sickle in hand she continues on...about a few minutes she hears distant screaming coming from the maidens room she hurriedly makes her way there and as she got there a few of the maids were terrified seeing another one of them dead with their jaws ripped off and limbs torn apart)

Cassandra: Girls what happened in here?

Laura: I-I don't know miss Cassandra.. s-some kind of beast killed Sarah

Cassandra: Describe to me what it looked like

Laura: It was a werewolf.. it had piercing glowing red eyes, sharp teeth and huge claws.. it was like a varcolac but has black fur all over it's body and has incredibly good hearing.. t-that's all I could think of

Cassandra: Shit.. I-I don't know how me an my sisters or mother didn't here this.. I-I need to go warn them now.. there is a safe room you an the other maidens can go to.. whatever this thing won't be able hurt you if your in there

Laura: O-ok (Sniffles) I just can't believe something like that killed Sarah here

Cassandra: We'll make sure to properly bury Sarah.. for now just get you an the other maidens to the safe room

Laura: T-thank you miss Cassandra

Cassandra: No need to thank me.. now go and whatever you do don't make any noise as you say this creature has very good hearing

(As the maidens quietly make their way to the safe room Cassandra hurries back to the room where her sisters and the man previously were and as she got there she heard howling in the distance down the halls.. not wasting time she wakes up Bela an Daniela)

Cassandra: (Whispers) Sisters wake up

Bela: Cassie.. what the fuck are you doing?

Daniela: What's going on

Cassandra: Shh.. sisters.. listen to me.. Joshua is gone and I fear something may have happened to him.. I went to go look for him but couldn't find him.. but there was a broken window like something got in or got out.. and when I continued looking I heard maidens screaming from their room so I went there an they were terrified, Laura said that something killed Sarah.. like it was a varcolac or werewolf whatever it was.. she said it had glowing piercing red eyes and huge claws an sharp teeth.. so we need to find Joshua now before something happens to him

Bela: We should warn mother about this

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