Chapter 10: Village attack/ Wolf Fight

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(With the help of Mother Miranda, Joshua was now fully able to control his werewolf form and thus able to keep his humanity.. and with the aid of Bela, Cassandra an Daniela's help confronting the maidens and the villagers explaining his past and what happened to him.. the people forgave him and with relief the man and girls were relieved knowing that villagers knew that Joshua never meant to harm anyone and was sorrowful for what he did...but this night a full moon has appeared again which means the beast will emerge again but this time another unexpected visitor will make it's presence known)

(As night appeared everything was going well.. in castle Dimitrescu.. it was silent.. in the room where the four slept Bela, Cassandra an Daniela were sleeping peacefully with the man...after about an hour it was 10 at night.. the man gets up and carefully leaves the room not wanting to disturb the girls but even the tiniest of sounds can be heard.. the first daughter to have woken up was Cassandra she looks an sees the man not there so she puts on her see through robe an goes to look for him...after a few minutes she finds the man looking out the window.. she carefully approaches the man as to not startle him.. but with his heightened senses he detects Cassie behind him)

Joshua: Up late aren't we

Cassandra: (Chuckles) I could say the same for you hehe.. what're you doing up?

Joshua: Well its another full moon so

Cassandra: Well at least this time you'll be able to control your abilities now.. you don't have to scare us now or have us be afraid knowing that the beast within you hasn't taken over which is a relief

Joshua: Your right.. and I want to thank you an your sisters for your help.. I just didn't know that if I revealed this dark secret to you all you would've...

Cassandra: Hey (Cups the mans face looking at him with her golden eyes) me an my family love you no matter what.. me an my sisters love you so much your the first man we've let into our lives.. you have been a blessing and a true miracle to us and.. even if you told us your secret.. we would never abandon an my sisters love you with all our hearts.. so please don't let this bring you down.. ok (Gifts the man a genuine smile)

Joshua: Thank you Cassandra

Cassandra: Of course baby.. come here (Hugs the man)

(As the two embraced each other Joshua's heightened senses heard something this caused Cassie to look at him with a weird look)

Cassandra: What is it?

Joshua: I hear screaming coming from the village

Cassandra: Is it possible another varcolac is here?

Joshua: From the screams I'm hearing it sounds like it.. I hear growling noises to

Cassandra: Oh shit.. I'll go an get my sisters.. do not leave without us ok

Joshua: Hurry

(Cassandra quickly leaves and makes her way back upstairs and heads towards the room where her sisters were she quickly wakes them up)

Cassandra: Sisters.. wake up

Bela: Cassie what the fuck are you doing.. can't you see it's late

Daniela: Yeah.. why are you waking us up?

Cassandra: The village is being attacked

Bela: By Joshua?

Cassandra: No.. it's another varcolac.. we need to go right now.. Joshua is waiting for us

(The four get dressed an leave the room an head downstairs where Joshua was waiting.. soon after they leave the castle an head to the village where the people were panicking an screaming in terror as a few people had lost an arm a leg and have been ripped to pieces.. Cassandra sees her human friend Alexia badly hurt and rushes towards her)

Cassandra: Alexia!.. oh my god a-are you ok?!

Alexia: I-I'll be o-ok (Winces) that o-other varcolac m-must be s-stopped

Cassandra: Hang in there Alexia.. y-your gonna be fine (Tears began to stream down her face) someone help!

(One of the villagers come to the aid)

Village Man: How can I help

Cassandra: Help me get Alexia to safety

Village Man: Yes ma'am

(The villager an Cassandra take Alexia to a house.. once inside Cassandra instructs the man to his lock the door and have all windows boarded up.. once done she rejoins the others)

Cassandra: Alright here's what we're going to do.. Joshua you take on that varcolac while me an my sisters rally the villagers and get them to safety

Joshua: On it

Cassandra: Lets do this...and Joshua

Joshua: Yeah

Cassandra: Make that bastard pay

(With plan in motion Joshua turns into his varcolac form an tracks the other one down while Cass an her sisters help the villagers... with all the commotion going on a little girl gets separated and is lost in all the chaos that's happening...the other wolf kills another victim and then sets it's eyes on the little girl.. it charges towards her and before it could.. one of the daughters.. Bela, rushes in grabbing the young girl avoiding the rabid varcolac.. Bela has the girl in her arms and runs like hell getting to the others.. with the other werewolf behind her it was closing in on her until Joshua in his beast form steps in tackling the other varcolac engaging in a battle.. buying time for everyone to get to safety...after a few minutes Cassie an her sisters successfully rally everyone inside a house)

Cassandra: Is everyone accounted for

Daniela: Yep everyone's here sis

Bela: Alright everyone.. when me an my sisters leave.. lock the doors behind us

(The villagers nod)

(With the villagers secured the daughters have the people lock the doors as the girls rush to their boyfriends side and as they got to him the girls watch as the two wolves fight to the death.. the other varcolac wasn't as big but still dangerous.. Joshua in his black beast form was way taller.. the two size each other up trying to intimidate the other snapping jaws and swiping claws and even making mock lunges at each other.. with that failed the two emit loud roars trying to sound bigger then the other hoping one will back down.. but with that failed as well the two beasts engage in a gruesome fight to the death...for what seemed like hours the two still went at it.. the other wolf was expending to much energy and losing it's stamina while Joshua still had plenty of fight left in him as he wasn't giving up so easily.. the other varco charges and swipes it claws but misses as Joshua sidesteps and grabs it arm throwing it towards a tree the cracking sound of the other varc's ribs made it yelp in pain but it still gets up an tries to attack again but fails as Joshua once again grabs it's arms and manages to yank out the muscles an flesh off rendering the creatures one arm useless.. it roars in agonizing pain as the man grabs it's now useless arm and breaks in half.. the creature roars in severe agony an then proceeds to use it's jaws.. it lunges forward grabbing Joshua by the neck and grips tightly but Joshua punches it in the stomach a few times and pries it jaws open to release.. an then kicks the other wolf to the ground and grabs it's jaws again.. the other varc tries to free itself but Joshua rips it's jaws apart and crushes the upper part of it's head into the brain.. and just like that the other wolf was dead.. Joshua lets out a bellowing roar signaling that he is the victor...the girls cheered and ran towards him hugging him tightly.. soon after the villagers came out and see the other wolf dead.. they shouted with happiness knowing that the Dimitrescu daughters boyfriend saved them...while rejoicing Cassandra see's her human friend Alexia an runs towards her as tears ran down her face)

Cassandra: Alexia! (Hugs the woman) your ok (Smiles and sniffles)

Alexia: I am now (Smiles)

Cassandra: I-I thought I was going to lose you

Alexia: I'll be fine Cassandra (Smiles) thank you for you an sisters and of course your boyfriend for saving us

Cassandra: If it wasn't for his heightened senses we wouldn't have known this but I'm glad we did or else I...

Alexia: Cassandra it's ok.. all that matters is that I'm ok an that we're safe now (Smiles)

Cassandra: Your right (Smiles)

(The two hug again as Cassie's sisters and the man approached)

Bela: Well.. it looks like the danger has passed for now.. hopefully another one doesn't show up

Daniela: But if another one does.. we have our boyfriend for that (Smiles)

Alexia: (Chuckles) Indeed, thank you all for saving us.. especially you Joshua (Smiles)

Joshua: There's only one Alpha varcolac here and it's me (I smiled)

Alexia: You certainly are (Smiles) well I wish you all a good night and we'll worry about burying the dead tomorrow

Cassandra: If you'd like we'd be glad to help out with that

Alexia: Thank you so much (Smiles) well you four better get going.. we'll see you tomorrow

Cassandra: Of course.. good night my friend (Smiles)

(Before the four could leave a little village girl comes from behind and tugs on the blonde woman's dress)

Bela: Oh well hello there little one (Smiles)

Village Girl: Thank you for saving me (Smiles)

Bela: Your welcome young one.. what is your name?

Village girl: My names Jia (Smiles)

Bela: That's a beautiful name (Smiles)

Jia: Will I see you again?

Bela: Of course.. we'll be here tomorrow to help with whatever damages that wolf caused

Jia: Ok (Smiles hugging the woman)

(Bela smiled an hugged the little girl and before the girl could speak a voice interrupts)

Village Mom: Jia time to come home darling

Bela: Run along now little one.. don't want your mother to come an get you

Jia: Can you escort me to her

Bela: Sure (Smiles)

(Bela walks the little girl home to her mother an bids her farewell as Bela rejoined the three.. soon the four head back home and quietly make their way back into the castle.. once inside the four go upstairs to their room an take off their hooded dresses and put on their night clothes.. after that they get in bed an go to sleep)

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