Chapter 8: A Memorable Night

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"Warning this part will contain sexual content, viewer discretion is advised, if this makes you uncomfortable please scroll past this"

(As night dawned, everyone in house Dimitrescu went to sleep except for the girls as they had something planned)

(The four reach the room but come to a halt)

Cassandra: Hey love can you wait out here for a few minutes there's something we must do before you enter

Joshua: Ok? what're ya'll going to do?

Bela: You'll see soon enough.. we don't want to spoil the surprise for you honey (Smiles) just wait out here and we'll call you when it's time for you to come in ok

Joshua: Ok

(The girls enter the room an lock the door and began undressing themselves removing everything including their necklaces but leaving only their black laced bra an panties, after that they all put on sanny black lace teddy outfits and put on their see through robe cloaks.. once done they go to the bathroom and wash their faces cleaned up of blood and put black lip balm on.. after that they wash an dry their hair...once finished they pull back the curtains letting the ghost's ghostly glow in.. after that they light up a few candles and get the music box ready)

Daniela: Sisters.. I think it's time we unveil our surprise to the man don't you think

Cassandra: Agreed

(Cassandra quickly unlocks the door an makes her way back to the bed sitting next to Bela an Daniela)

Bela: Oh little one.. you can come in now 

(Once the man entered the room he was frozen in place at seeing how incredibly beautiful the girls were in front of him they noticed him blushing really hard, they smirked seeing as how their beauty caught him off guard by not wearing their usual black dresses)

Daniela: Someone's blushing

Cassandra: Oh ho.. he most definitely is

Bela: He's cute when he's stunned (Giggles)

Cassandra: Like what you see darling.. did we catch you off guard (Smirks)

Joshua: My lord.. you three are absolutely beautiful.. i-is this the surprise you wanted me to see?

Daniela: Mmmhm.. but not only do you get to see us without our hooded dresses.. we wanted to make this night a memorable one for you by wearing more appropriate clothing for this special night

Joshua: You mean...

Bela: Yes sweetie.. we want to make love to you and we want you to make love to us.. you have been so kind to us the last few days and we even bonded with you an got to know you an everything as you bonded and got to know us.. hell you even gave us a miracle and that was us being free from the cold, so now.. we want to repay you for your kindness and just being a good person in general.. so please.. revel in this night with us and we'll make it a night you won't ever forget

Joshua: I-I'm a bit nervous

(One of the girls walked up to him)

Cassandra: It's ok love.. we'll take this slow with you.. here.. take my hand

(The man takes the raven haired womans hand as she guided him to the bed where Bela an Daniela were sitting.. they slowly took turns taking off the man's clothes leaving only his underwear on.. his back was gently pushed onto the bed as the ladies surrounded him)

Cassandra: Now before we begin.. there is a song that I think will be perfect for this.. Bela will you go an get the song going

Bela: Yes sister

(Bela walks over an turns on the radio and plays the song "Love my like you do by Ellie Goulding" after that she returns to the bed)

Joshua: Wow.. I didn't know you girls listen to modern music

Daniela: (Chuckles) We maybe old and still look young but we keep up with the times

Cassandra: Now.. lets make this a night you'll remember forever darling (Smiles)

(Each of the girls began taking their turns kissing the man passionately, Bela was the first as she hopped on the man.. she looks at him with her golden eyes.. the two kissed sensually making moaning sounds.. even Daniela an Cassandra were eager to have their turn as well but they knew they had to wait as they didn't want to rush this)

Bela: You have no idea how long I've craved this

Joshua: The feelings mutual

(The two continued as Joshua held the woman in his arms as Bela had her arms around his neck.. moans escaped her lips as the man kissed her neck to her collar bone.. Cassandra an Daniela had no idea that the man was quite the lover seeing as how delicate he is with Bela)

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