Chapter 20: Escape/ Fight

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(As Ethan was successfully captured last night and encountering the Dimitrescu daughters and the man who was the black beast, Ethan was lively as ever as he didn't appreciate being chained up in a cell so no doubt he'll devise a plan to escape from his captors and call Chris to send reinforcements)

(As the morning sun began to rise upon the village the whole town was bustling with villagers going about their daily lives.. meanwhile back at the castle in the bedroom where Bela, Cassandra, Daniela and Joshua were sleeping.. the light from the sun shone through the window casting it's glow causing one of them to wake up.. the first to wake up was Cassandra)

Cassandra: Sisters, Joshua time to wake up

Joshua: (Yawns) Good morning my loves

(Good morning baby the three spoke in unison)

Joshua: Did you three sleep well last night

Daniela: We most certainly did.. I still can't believe you were able to capture that man you found in the woods

Bela: Yeah...I think auntie will be pleased to know that house Dimitrescu is the first to have captured the child's father

Joshua: She most definitely will.. though I have a grave feeling that the man will find some way to escape an find some way to harm you girls or harm me

Cassandra: He can try but I highly doubt he'll ever succeed in escaping us or trying to harm you.. we don't have any weapons in this castle I can think of but I think there's one in particular thats in my armory.. Wolfsbane I think it is.. it's a dusty relic but I highly believe the man down in the dungeon knows how to use it or even know what it does

Daniela: W-well let's hope an pray that he doesn't use it on our boyfriend here.. I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if he was struck by high caliber silver bullets

Bela: Dani since when do you know stuff about that? you never say stuff like that before

Daniela: Well since your the smart one Bela maybe your rubbing off on me (Smiles)

Joshua: Well since we're up I'll get breakfast started and maybe if your mother is up we can inform her of the man that's currently in the dungeon

Cassandra: Ooh yes she'll be very happy to know that.. maybe she'll let us torture him a bit or maybe have a taste of his blood...actually speaking of tasting blood.. we never gotten to taste you once babe

Joshua: Ya'll aren't gonna hurt me if you bite into me right?

Bela: Of course not sweetie.. we'll be very gentle when we taste you and we'll try not to drain to much from you hun

Joshua: Ok

Daniela: How about I go first to make you comfortable

Joshua: A-alright (I spoke nervously)

Daniela: But first sit up for me love

(As the man sits up Daniela wraps herself around the man and gently bites into his neck finding his pulse point.. it hurt a bit but soon the pain went away as the red haired woman has her fill and laps up the wound)

Daniela: My word dear your blood is absolutely divine baby

Cassandra: Now that Dani has had her turn who do you choose to go next.. me or Bela

Joshua: I'll choose you Cassandra

(The raven haired woman smiled as she got on the man an gently bites the other side of the man's neck.. once satisfied Bela was last to go as she did the same thing...a minute goes by an all the girls were done)

Bela: W-wow.. your blood tasted amazing love

Cassandra: Best blood I've ever tasted to (Smiles)

Joshua: Well I'm glad my blood tastes.. g-good (I get light headed) w-whoa

Daniela: What's wrong sweetheart

Joshua: I think I just got light headed

Bela: I think we overdid it...let us rest in here a little while longer so that way Joshua here doesn't accidentally hurt himself

Cassandra: Agreed

(The four rest together for a little while...after about 10 minutes one of the girls spoke)

Daniela: Hey Joshua

Joshua: Yes

Daniela: How do you feel?

Joshua: Well the light headedness went away which is good

Cassandra: But just to be sure we'll keep an eye on you just incase you lose balance or you begin to fall

Joshua: You girls really the best girlfriends I've ever had in my entire life.. I don't think I've met any women that are kind, caring and supportive to me

Bela: Well you are the luckiest man in the world to have us at your side (Smiles) and know that no matter what happens.. we are with you no matter what challenges or dangers we face.. we are with you our king (Smiles cupping the mans face)

(Cassandra an Daniela join as all three hugged the man)

Joshua: Thank you.. all of you

Cassandra: You are most welcomed darling (Smiles)

Daniela: Can we have breakfast now my stomach is rumbling

Joshua: Of course.. let us get dressed an we'll head downstairs and get it going

(The four get dressed an head downstairs towards the kitchen.. from there the man begun making breakfast for everyone...and as breakfast was being made Alcina appeared)

Alcina: Good morning to all of you

(Good morning the four spoke in unison)

Alcina: I trust all of you slept well last night

Bela: We did mother

Cassandra: Oh and uh we have something we wanted to tell you

Alcina: Oh.. and pray tell would that be?

Daniela: We'll explain it to you at the dinner table mom

(Alcina nods as she goes an sits at the dining table...after about an hour the food was ready everyone grabbed their plate an drinks an sat down together)

Joshua: Here is your food Alcina

Alcina: Thank you young man (Smiles) now what is it that you all wanted to tell me?

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